What to give the baby for a year

The best gift for the crumbs will be developingtoys In some cases, you need the help of parents who will tell the baby how to play. Interactive toys are made in the form of cute little animals. They allow you to download songs, fairy tales, record voice messages of parents. Toys work on batteries and they last up to 3 hours of active use.what to give the baby for a yearA wonderful gift for the baby for a year - developingtoy.Photo: Getty Baby will love music books and toys. On them are located the keys with the image, for example, of some animal. When you press the buttons, the child will hear the sound made by one or another animal. Developmental mats and tables are the surfaces on which are located tweeters, mirrors, rattles, three-dimensional images and other things. They are securely fixed on the base. Useful for the development of fine motor skills. Designer kits for one-year-olds are made of soft materials. They are multicolored geometric shapes. Such a designer is safe for the baby. Mobile toys will serve for a long time. Car-chairs in the form of animals, carriages for girls with handles, rocking horses - all this will delight the birthday. Useful gifts will help parents more in caring for the baby. It can be:

  • Chair for babies;
  • car seat;
  • sets of beautiful bed linen, pillows, blankets or blankets;
  • clothes or shoes;
  • baby cosmetics.

If you are not sure which size of clothes orTo buy the necessary type of car seat, then present a gift card or certificate. Gifts for a long memory - another option for the birthday. Such gifts even in a few years will bring pleasant memories of the first birthday of the crumbs:

  • Invitation to the clown's house on his birthday.
  • Certificate for a photo session with the baby.
  • Silver spoon, which is engraved.
  • Elegant scrapbook photo album.
  • Special kits to make a cast from the hand or foot of a baby.

These gifts are universal and fit the girl and boy.

What kind of gifts for babies under one year is not worth buying

Do not give toys that do not matchage of the child. This gift will not be interesting to the birthday, and parents will have to look for a place where to keep it. With large soft toys that exceed the height of the birthday, the crumb can not play. Do not give toys that have many small parts. Gifts must be useful and interesting for the crumbs or parents and not pose a danger. Ask the parents of the baby, what activities or toys he prefers. Ask what they lack for its development and education. In this case, the gift will definitely be a joy.

