Rules of conduct
First of all, you need to give up alcohol.Even a small dose of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on the health of the fetus. Alcoholic drinks are especially dangerous in the early stages, because during this period all internal organs are being laid down.At the early stage of pregnancy, you need to be moreattentive to yourself. Photo: Getty. Smoking is also very harmful. Children who smoke mums are born with a dependence on nicotine, they often weakened the immune system and underdeveloped lungs. It is best to stop smoking at the planning stage. You can and should be engaged in sports, but in moderation. A sedentary lifestyle most often leads to different complications. Future mums should give preference to such sports:
- yoga;
- fitness;
- aqua aerobics;
- swimming;
- Scandinavian walking.
Long walks in the fresh air go onlyfor good. Under the ban fall cycling, martial arts, snowboarding and other traumatic and active vidy.Puduschey mother should take note of the following tips:
- Do not once again dye your hair and do chemical perm. During pregnancy, the body becomes very sensitive, and chemicals can cause allergies.
- It is undesirable to visit saunas and baths, overheating is dangerous.
- It is not recommended to start repairs while waiting for the baby. This is a big load for a pregnant woman. And harmful substances from building materials will be eroded for a very long time.
- From the menu it is necessary to exclude fastfood, sharp, fatty andsalty foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, raw meat, sushi, seafood. Black and green tea can be in limited quantities. Care should be taken to products that are potential allergens - chocolate, oranges, strawberries. But if the pregnant woman does not have allergies to these foods, they can be eaten, but in moderation.
- Shoes with high heels strengthen the load on the spine. Therefore, in the second and third trimester, it is better to give up the heels completely.
- It is necessary to give preference to loose, light clothes made of natural materials. Linen should be comfortable and do not squeeze the body.
To the use of medicines can be approached verybe careful and be sure to consult a doctor. In no case can not be treated by people's methods alone. Many medicinal herbs can provoke fetal development disorders, increased uterine tone, severe allergy in the child, therefore it is unreasonable to be treated without specialist advice.
Can I make love during pregnancy?
If the expectant mother feels well, andpregnancy proceeds without complications, there are no reasons to refuse sexual life. This brings the couple even closer together, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the pregnant woman. Medical indications for the prohibition of sexual relations are:
- threat of abortion;
- a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy, or a premature birth in an anamnesis;
- multiple pregnancies;
- loosely closed cervix;
- marginal placenta previa.
In the latter cases, the doctor most often recommends temporary abstinence.
Can I fly pregnant?
After the 7th month of pregnancy, a woman feels betterrefrain from flying, as there is a risk of premature birth. In the early stages of pregnancy, nothing threatens the pregnant woman. But much depends on the health of the woman and the general course of pregnancy. Contraindications to air travel include the risk of miscarriage, high blood pressure and weakening of the body. It is necessary to take into account that a sharp change in climate and a humid hot climate can affect the health of a pregnant woman in a not very good way. Therefore, before going on a long trip, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.
Is it possible to do ultrasound?
There is an opinion that ultrasound examinationcan be done only 3 times during the entire pregnancy. Modern devices are considered safe, but there is still a small risk. Therefore, if the examination is necessary, it should be done without hesitation. And going to an ultrasound just to find out the sex of the baby is really not worth it. Pregnancy is not a disease. But still, during this period you need to be more careful.