There is such an opinion, as if on children duringfull moon attacks hyperactivity. They make a fuss, they frolic, they do not care about anything, they can not sleep, but they sleep all the time. The idea that the Moon influences the behavior of people, human minds excites since ancient times. And finally, scientists decided to check whether this is really so, and seriously questioned whether there is a connection between the phases of the moon and the degree of children's "stinging".Photo:GettyImages The Ottawa Research Institute Children's Hospital took over. Canadian scientists did not rely on the opinion of parents, which, of course, is subjective. They hung with special sensors almost 6 thousand children aged 9 to 12 years. The guys wore accelerometers that measured their level of physical activity and monitored sleep for a week, and here are the results. It turns out that the degree of activity of children was practically the same, regardless of how far from the Earth the Moon was and what phase it was in. So the myth of hyperactivity is just a myth. It is better to analyze how much sugar your child eats when he gives you the restlessness of the "incredible fidget" level. But a dream ... Here a myth is not quite a myth. Children do sleep less on full moons. But not much, just five minutes. Too little for it to seriously affect anything. According to the researchers, this is only 1% of the total sleep time in children. Moreover, it is not a fact that the duration of sleep is influenced by some magical properties of the moon. Perhaps it's just the too bright light that hits the windows. Although, on the other hand, with the abundance of artificial light in the modern world, it is also a dubious argument, but even this result served as the basis for further research. Scientists believe that continued observation is necessary. Experts believe that the moon can affect certain groups of people. In order to find out, the research should last not a week, but at least a month. Well, so far, only one thing is known for sure. The full moon is beautiful.

