The most active, conscious and friendly parents withchildren took part in the family car race from the journal "Telesem". The main condition - the presence of child restraints - was met by all participants in the movement. The convoy of two dozen cars, accompanied by the traffic police cars, drove around the city with flags, and the race ended with a grandiose family holiday at the parking lot of the TRC Kosmoport. Participants of the family car rally were applauded and rewarded with gifts from the Amway Company and the children's goods hypermarket "Daughter-Sons". After the greeting of the police captain Antonina Alexandrovna Shish, an entertaining program was launched. For the youngest, from 3 pm to 4 pm, cheerful animators from the entertainment park "VANICULA" played games and contests, and parents registered for the prize drawing. All those who could take photos in the photobook with a special props. the event was very eventful. The first to enter the stage were the musicians of the drum show MELOMANIA DRUMLINE and set a high pace for the event. Bright vocal performance of Irina Pirozhenkova did not leave anyone indifferent - sang and applauded both adults and young guests. And during the performance of the Lounge band "Avenue Beat" it was impossible to keep from dancing. The guests continued to dance to the staff of the dance studio "Sozvezdie".Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 20171 / 8Photo: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayAfter musical numbers, everyone was looking forward to drawing valuable prizes from the magazine "Telesem". The editor-in-chief of Telesem magazine in Samara, Venus Erofeeva, greeted all the guests and announced the beginning of the long-awaited event! Among the prizes were products such as a smartphone, an e-book, a shish kebab, a microwave oven, a multivarker and other household appliances.Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 2017Family taxis Telesem 20171 / 3Photo: WdayPhoto: WdayPhoto: WdayPresent gifts were prepared by the partners of the event: the certificate for the stretch ceiling installation was presented by the company "Apartment Response", 80 cakes and a set of delicious products played out from the "Russian Field" trademark, the "STOAVTO" group of companies presented useful gadgets, crispy biscuits were given to all the small guests of the holiday company "Sladkodarov". The official partner of the event - "Eye Clinic Branchevsky" - held a rally of useful certificates for visiting the clinic. Information partner - the TV channel "SKAT-TNT" - arranged its own competition and presented all its participants with presents from the channel. During the holiday, the results of a photo contest from "Telesem" and "Kuhmaster" - "The most appetizing shish kebab", which was held throughout June in the magazine, were summed up. The winners received sets of products from the "Kuhmaster" trademark and prizes from the "Telesem" magazine. Also guests of the holiday "The family rules!" Became holders of certificates in the Galileo wonderland, two unlimited maps for visiting the Open Fitness fitness club, invitation tickets to the cinema "Kinomost" and the children's park "Kanikuly." The "Telesem" magazine presented more than 100 prizes for the participants of the event! Look for all photos from the holiday "Family taxis!" in the group "VKontakte"

