Not just a large, but a very large screen - the firstgoing to the movies can cause real enthusiasm for the child. And maybe turn into a real hell for you, and for neighbors in the cinema. But we are for the first option. Therefore, we learned how to prepare for such a responsible event.Photo: GettyImages

1. Better later

The burning question is at what age is it worthwhile?take your child to the cinema for the first time. Firstly, you should focus on how restless your child is. After all, some two-year-olds can sit quietly on their mother’s lap for an hour and a half while a cartoon is on. And some, even at five, can’t sit still for two minutes. Secondly, child psychologists believe that there’s no need to rush here. — At home, a child can watch TV and at the same time freely walk around the apartment: go get a drink, sit on the potty, or play a game. In the theater, he’ll have to sit in one place, which is difficult for a three-year-old, for example, — explains child psychologist Marina Bulygina. In addition, the specialist advises against the 3D format — the visual effects can scare the child. — It’s better to watch cartoons in a regular format and let the child’s imagination complete the scene itself — Marina Bulygina is sure. Ophthalmologists also agree with psychologists — at an early age, a child shouldn’t continuously look at the screen for more than 15 minutes. And otolaryngologists warn against loud noise, because the eardrum in babies is not yet fully formed and is very sensitive. And all together, experts say the best age for the debut appearance in public is five years.

2. Theory of the cartoon

Before you go to the cinema,Introduce your child to it in absentia. Tell him about where you are going - describe an interesting and mysterious place with soft chairs, a big screen and many boys and girls who will watch a movie with you. Try to agree on how to behave in the hall - speak in a whisper, try not to disturb others and not get up from your seat until the session is over. To be sure that you have not made a mistake in choosing a cartoon, show your child a trailer. This way you will understand for sure whether he will be interested in what is happening on the screen or not. And be sure to look at the age restrictions - the younger the child, the simpler the storyline should be. For three-year-olds, it is better to choose cartoons where the characters are cute and funny animals, and not witches or exotic monsters. Otherwise, it is possible that you will have to chase monsters out of the nursery or jump up at night, because the child has nightmares.

3. Play a movie

Surprises are the last thing you needwhen going to the cinema for the first time. Therefore, warn your child that the lights will be turned off in the cinema and it will be dark, and the sound will be loud. Very loud. Or even better - stage the upcoming events and play a movie. Draw the curtains, turn off the lights and turn on the TV louder than usual. Perhaps your child will have fun playing, but there are children who are afraid of the dark and loud sounds. In this case, it will even be useful for them to meet their fears in such a safe environment and overcome them. The most important thing is that the baby should feel at this moment that he is not alone, but with his mother, who loves and supports him.Photo: GettyImages

4. On the day of X

So you came to the cinema.And here it is important to remember the prose of life. First, take the child to the toilet before the session. Second, buy popcorn and water. If the child gets tired of watching, he will be able to switch to food. During the cartoon, you can comment on what is happening on the screen from time to time, explain the behavior of the characters: "Look, what a giant, he is so angry because he is sad, because no one wants to be friends with him." The child cannot always quickly grasp the connections between events and therefore loses interest. Maintain his attention: "Look, look what will happen now!" If you understand that a collision will soon occur on the screen or a scary character will appear (it is easy to navigate the plot if you listen to the music - it becomes louder and more alarming), warn the baby: "Now it will be a little scary" and take his hand.

5. And if there is a force majeure?

There is always a chance that the childstarts crying during the show. In this case, hug him, sit him on your lap - let him feel that you are near. If he does not calm down, it is better to leave the room. Parents should be prepared for the fact that the child will not want to go back and watch the cartoon to the end. This situation should not be taken seriously, because it is just an experience. It is quite possible that your next trip to the cinema will be more successful. And yet, most children like to watch cartoons on the big screen. For them, it is fun. For you, it is a useful thing. - Going to the cinema together is an opportunity to talk with your child, - says the psychologist. - It will be very good if after the session you discuss the impressions with the baby. Also interesting:

