Meet - Hayden Cross. He lives in a stiff Britain, the city of Gloucester. But three years ago he was known here as a sweet blonde girl named Asda. Although the documents Hayden and a man, he was born a girl. Three years ago, then Asda began the procedure for changing the sex. She took hormones and was preparing for surgery to remove breasts and ovaries. But suddenly she realized that she really wanted a child. And if all the manipulations are completed, the parent will not be able to be ever - no sex. First she thought that it was possible to freeze the eggs and sometime later find a donor of sperm and a surrogate mother. But it turned out that such a service costs quite a lot of money - four thousand pounds. This is almost five thousand US dollars at the current rate. It's expensive, considering that the process of sex change is also not cheap and is not included in insurance: for turning from a girl to a boy, you need to lay out 29 thousand pounds. This amount includes everything - training, hormone therapy, surgery and subsequent rehabilitation.1/3 Photo: @HaydenCross Photo: @HaydenCross Photo:@HaydenCrossTherefore, Asda, which by that time was already Hayden on paper, had only one way out - to slow down the process and still have a child. The Briton did not put it off and began to look for a sperm donor. He found one on Facebook. And when the pregnancy was already 4 months old, he solemnly announced it. And he became the first man in Britain who managed to get pregnant. - I want my child to have the best. I will be the most amazing father, - Hayden is sure. And he does not plan to hide the secret of his conception from the child: - When the baby grows up, I will definitely tell him the story of his birth. After the birth of the child, Hayden plans to return to the sex change operation and finish what he started. By the way, it seems that Hayden is tired of the burden of fame. After his story appeared in many Western media, he deleted his page on the social network. Out of harm's way.