The 70th anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova was noted in such a way thatQueen Elizabeth would have envied. The holiday was staged grandiose, with dozens of guests, a cake and, of course, an ice show. And how else to celebrate the birthday of the legend of figure skating? Many skaters and skating rinks were shown at the jubilee: Tatiana Navka, Roman Kostomarov, Ilya Averbukh, her favorite pupil Alexei Yagudin with his wife, Tatyana Totmyanina. And along with the latter, a growing generation (perhaps also future figure skaters) came to the festival - two daughters of Alexey and Tatiana, Elizaveta and Michel.A photo: the press service of Tatyana Tarasova "Younger Yagudinka also visited the anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova," proud mother shared her photo on her social network page. Elizabeth, for seven years now, is a clever and beautiful woman. And the youngest, Michel, is only a year and a half. The girl was born a month ahead of schedule and "grew up" in intensive care. As the parents themselves admitted, they had to go through a lot of anxious moments, until Michel was not discharged. But now they are doing well: the girls grow up in front of their eyes, and my father and mother do not like daughters. Tatiana, by the way, regularly shares family photos with her subscribers in the social network. And they together wish the spouses to go to the hospital as soon as possible for the third time - for the boy. "The defender is not enough," Tatyana's fallovers are sure.1 / 3Photo: @ tatianatotmyaninaPhoto: @ tatianatotmyaninaPhoto: @ tatianatotmyaninaWhat about this Tatyana thinks, while she remains behind the scenes. But, given the fashionable now among the stars of many children, it is possible that fans of a beautiful couple will wait and the third.

