In the study of the learned men from Milana little less than 170 pregnant women took part in the university. They were divided into two groups. The participants first began to sing to their future babies lullabies a few months before the birth. And, actually, they continued to do this when the crumbs were born. Women from the second group had babies ... no, of course, not in complete silence, but without songs - that's for sure.Why do you need lullabies?Photo:GettyImagesThe second part of the experiment began when the babies were born. Scientists were interested in how long they would cry. It turned out that lullabies work! Over the course of 24 hours, the crying rate of those who were not soothed in the womb with gentle songs was approximately ten percent higher than that of the "singing group" (18.5 versus 28.2 percent). But scientists would not be scientists if they did not take into account a variety of aspects in their research. Including the fact that even the calmest baby will cry all night long. Remember what intestinal colic is like in babies? And - oh miracle, even in such extreme cases, the babies from the "silent" group cried a quarter more often and louder than those who were sung to. - Lullabies even before birth are one of the best ways to give birth to a happy baby, - the scientists concluded. But that's not all. The results of the study, published in the journal Women and Birth, say that prenatal lullabies strengthen the bond between mother and baby. If you measure it on a special scale (yes, there is such a thing!), the “singing” group will have a score of 1.96, with an average of 1.28. “Lullabies will not only have a positive effect on the mood and behavior of the newborn, but also reduce the level of maternal stress,” the researchers added.

