Why a baby doesn't gain weight

Do not pick up the required "daily" grams baby,being breastfed may be due to various reasons, but one of the most common is lack of milk in a nursing woman. In this case, the baby loses it.if the baby is not gaining weightIf an infant does not gain weight, the causethere may be a shortage of milk. If the relatives of the child have a miniature physique, the baby can simply "go to kin". If the baby remains active, sleeps well and eats with pleasure, then there is no reason for excitement. The child may not gain weight due to illness. In this case, it will be intended to be examined and after elimination of the primary causes of the child will begin to respond effectively. To establish or eliminate this problem, the baby must be weighed before and after feeding. It is necessary to carry out weighing at least a week and show the results to the leading infant pediatrician. If the doctor confirms that the baby is recovering really badly, then it will be possible to think about how to solve the problem.

What can be done if an infant does not gain weight

There are several recommendations that will help to establish breastfeeding. Pediatricians recommend:

  • apply the baby to the breast at his request. Not all babies are able to withstand three-hour intervals between feedings;
  • if the baby sucks weakly, then it must be shown to the dentist. It is likely that he has a short hyoid bridle;
  • feed the baby to the last drop of milk. It is the "back" milk, located deep in the chest, is the most nutritious. Milk, which the baby receives first, contains fewer calories;
  • to feed the child and at night. Babies need to wake up periodically and offer breasts;
  • if there is a shortage of milk, the baby should be fed from both breasts during one feeding. In this case, it is necessary to brew teas that increase lactation;
  • with a clear shortage of milk, babies need to be fed feed mixtures.

Stop breastfeeding extremelyundesirable. The reason why an infant does not gain weight is a lot. But only a leading pediatrician will be able to establish the true and help in solving the problem. Taking any steps other than improving breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. Read further:

