Remember, a couple of years ago, the whole world was captured by a flash mobIce Bucket Challenge? Let us recall, just in case, its meaning: people doused themselves with ice water and passed the baton to the next. Those who refused the call donated a certain amount to charity. Many have done both. And this year at Epiphany the flash mob had an unexpected continuation. Which looks, I must say, not too humane. Social networks after Epiphany flooded with photos and videos on the topic "Plunge with children." Seasoned moms swoon dashingly into the ice-hole, while some simply drench themselves in icy water while standing barefoot in the snow. And at the same time they hold in their arms ... babies. Babies look like one or two months, well, at most - three. Quite little ones. - Oh, good! - mothers shout, spitting from the water. The babies echo them with a desperate, heart-rending cry. Does this mean that they feel good too? .. Video posted by MAMA CHILDREN FAMILY (@mama_navsegda) Jan 25 2017 at 7:23 am PST Opinions are divided on the network. Into unequal parts. Most believe that such "procedures" are pure mockery of children. "The baby is in shock from the cold. Sick mothers. Sectarians! " - the inhabitants of social networks do not skimp on epithets. "What would you understand," fans of extreme hardening answer them. - Read Porfiry Ivanov! Listen to Dr. Bubnovsky! Yes, if I gave a baby beer to drink, it would cause less negativity! ”We followed the advice of the supporters of dousing and honored Porfiry Ivanov, the creator of a health-improving system based on hardening. But he does not advise dousing babies with ice water in the cold. He recommends "swimming in cold natural water twice a day, so you feel good." Is the baby on the video good? Hardly. We also read the advice of Dr. Bubnovsky about hardening. And it turned out that he also does not advise extreme measures. Advises to accustom the child to the cold, starting with a five-second cool bath. Photo posted by Katya. I love. Eat. Losing weight (@ ikat.i) Jan 21 2017 at 7:21 PST Dr. Komarovsky, maybe? He is a well-known supporter of a healthy lifestyle. But no, and he advises "to lead a normal, healthy lifestyle." way of life, - Dr. Komarovsky lists the rules of hardening. And what does official medicine say about this? Nikolay Komov, pediatrician, teacher of the Department of Propedeutics of Childhood Diseases with a course of child care: Nikolay Komov- Pouring cold water on the street at minustemperatures - it is not just unprofitable, it is dangerous. Our circulatory system is not intended for such experiments. Even for a super-trained child, such a procedure is a huge stress for the body. A sharp drop in temperature can cause reflex respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. The long-term consequence of this stress is a decrease in immunity. In the next 7–10 days, the child will be especially vulnerable to various microorganisms. Not to mention the fact that a child can get a mental trauma or a nervous breakdown. The doctor advises: if you have already decided to temper the baby, then it is better to start in summer. And not with douches, but with air baths, then go to the sun. And then to the water procedures, gradually lowering the temperature of the water. Read on:

