how to teach a child to speakHow to teach a child to speakPhoto: Getty The most concerned about the moms and dads of those little "silent", whose peers have already begun to master the speech. Let us find out how justified these fears are, and in what ways we can “talk” the baby.

Teach your child to speak at home

Serious problems are rarehealth, which prevent children from mastering speech. In most cases, parents can teach their child to speak on their own. Here's how to teach a child to speak at home:

  • Start talking to your child as early as possible.
  • Spend a lot of time communicating, but do not overtire your baby.
  • Start learning pronunciation with the simplest words and gradually move on to sentences.
  • Pronounce your words clearly and without distorting them.
  • Develop your baby's articulation and fine motor skills.
  • Talk to your child so that he can see your face.
  • Repeat what you said many times.
  • Praise your child for his successes.
  • Create a favorable environment for the development of speech.

The child is already in the prenatal period of developmenttuned to the perception of human speech. After birth, this ability begins to actively develop. The newborn does not understand the meaning of words, but the process of memorizing the features of pronunciation is already underway. That is why it is necessary to start talking to him, sing songs to him, recite poems, pronounce individual sounds and syllables as early as possible. Daily communication is necessary for full development, but you should not engage with your child if he is tired. Conversations should also be in moderation so that speaking is not associated with something unpleasant in the future. It is easier for children up to a year and a little older to pronounce individual syllables, while they are able to repeat the same syllable many times. Start learning your child with short and simple words, consisting of the same syllables like “mom” and “dad.” During this same period, the babies' speech is actively built on imitation, they are easily given words like “boom” (Dog). After a year, teach your child to use the real names of objects instead of imitation of imitation. To do this, repeatedly say their real names instead of onomatopoeia. You should not “lisp” with the baby, intentionally distorting words or pronounced distorted names of objects after it. The clearer you say the words, the clearer his speech will be. For correct pronunciation, correct articulation is necessary, so let the child see how you pronounce the words. Regularly conduct articulation exercises with him. If you do not know how it is done, then video with special lessons will help you in this matter. The connection between the development of the hand and the formation of thinking is proven. The better fine motor skills a child has developed, the faster his development will go, including speech development. Do gymnastics with him for fingers, massage hands. Always praise your baby. Positive emotions will push him to further learning. Make him want to use words!

We create the environment and form the need

how to teach a child to speak a yearHow to teach a child to speakPhoto: Getty Absence of necessity is the main reason why a child does not utter a word. Here are some ways the child can form a need for speaking: 1. Do not let the child in the hands of interest to his subjects, until he says their name. When the child pokes a finger at the desired object, achieve the pronunciation of the word. To do this, repeat the name of the item many times. Learning to pronounce a word is also work. There is no need for the child to try to do this if the adult already understands his desire and immediately fulfills the requirement. 2. Create a child need to communicate with other interlocutors. If for a one-year-old child you are the most important interlocutor, then with a two-year-old child everything is different: let him communicate more with other children who are already talking. The need to establish contact with peers forces the child to use words, and in the game it turns out by itself.

Why not put off learning speech

The foundations of speech development are laid earlyage, this period should not be missed under any circumstances. The older the "silent" child becomes, the less chance he has of fully mastering to teach a child to speak a yearHow to teach a child to speak at one year oldPhoto:GettyThe development of thinking goes hand in hand with speech development and largely depends on it. In addition, without mastering speech, it is impossible to establish full contact with others. That is why insufficient mastery of speech later turns into problems for children in kindergarten and school. Read more:

