Nathan-John Baptiste is an ordinary English teenager.Like any other person, he wanted a beautiful life - expensive clothes, travel, delicious food. But beg for money from your mother? No thanks. After all, he is 15 years old, and he is able to earn money himself! Well done? Sure. But it turned out to be not as easy to earn as he had expected. As, Nathan's mother, the guy could not legally get a job due to his age. Potential employers shook their heads and advised them to come another time. When he grows up. This approach did not suit Nathan.The boy is now compared to the hero DiCaprio -Wolf with Wall Street Photo: kinogallery.comThe initial capital of the guy was. As much as five pounds sterling. In terms of rubles - less than four hundred. For a year, he managed to increase his fortune to 43 thousand pounds sterling. That is, increased its state almost nine thousand times! And that's how. He founded the store - Walking Talking Shop. It sounds loud, but in fact, he just sold sweets to his classmates. The price was set much lower than in the store - and the business went. Every day an enterprising schoolboy published in the social network a menu for the day. Usually it consisted of homemade cookies, fruit pastes and chocolates. I also took orders there. Soon he was already unable to cope with the buyers' wall. Nathan hired an assistant, then another. In the end, his staff consisted of 11 mercenaries, and the financial turnover was 1150 pounds a week.The future millionaire Nathan Baptist. Photo: facebook.Firstly, then the boy was invited to give a lecture on entrepreneurship in primary grades. In general, things are bad - but things are good. Nathan is supported by both parents and friends. So he does not intend to back away from his plans. After all, he has a big goal - to become a millionaire. "It turned out that the food in the expensive restaurants is really tasty," Nathan laughs. Now the schoolboy, like all his peers, went on vacation. But he does not sit idly by. He settled in as a seller of real estate. In 15 years! That's what glory does to a man: "I can not trade sweets all my life," the boy argues in an adult way. - I want to become an exchange broker. There everything will depend only on me. It's a hard work. But I want to become rich. "

