How to lose weight during pregnancy due to nutrition?

Pregnant women can only lose weight withconsent of the doctor if excess weight can harm the development of the child. In other cases, gynecologists recommend only monitoring the weight gain. Normal weight gain is 10-15 kg or less if you weighed more than normal before to lose weight during pregnancyHealthy food will help you lose weight whilepregnancy Photo: Getty Proper nutrition is not only useful for pregnant women, but also allows you not to gain extra pounds. How to eat if you are carrying a child:

  • eat carbohydrates in the morning;
  • eat dietary meat, fish, eggs or dairy products for dinner;
  • give up fried and smoked;
  • limit the amount of salt;
  • Do not get involved in baking, sugar and chocolate.

Monodiets and hunger strikes are strictly prohibited.You need to eat often and little by little. In the first trimester - at least 4 times a day, in the second - 5 times and in the third - 6 times. The overall caloric intake can be increased by 300 units. At breakfast should account for 30% of the diet, for lunch - 40%, for dinner and snacks - 10%.

How to lose weight during pregnancy due to sports?

Expecting a baby is not a reason to lie around for dayson the couch. An active lifestyle will help control weight, strengthen the body and increase endurance. But you can't overdo it, pregnant women are prohibited from lifting weights, jumping, and in the last trimester - doing exercises lying on their backs. What sports can you do:

  • swimming;
  • aqua aerobics;
  • yoga, pilates;
  • fitball games;
  • gymnastics for pregnant women.

Avoid traumatic sports- ball games, rollerblading, cycling and horseback riding. Focus on exercises that relax the back muscles and strengthen the hips. Useful walks in the fresh air, they increase immunity, saturate the blood with oxygen and promote weight loss. Whatever type of activity you choose, listen to your body, reduce the load if you feel it is necessary. You should not lose weight for the sake of harmony during pregnancy, this will harm you and your baby. Eat right, be active, do not forget to consult about everything with the doctor and then you will not gain extra weight.

