raise a child aloneHow to raise a child alone? Photo: Getty

What to prepare if the mother raises a child alone?

The decision to have a child for yourself and in the futureA woman usually makes the decision to raise a child without the help of a father under pressure from circumstances. In this case, she will most likely face two difficulties - material and psychological. The material problem is formulated simply - will there be enough money to feed, dress and shoe the baby. Do not worry if you spend it wisely and do not buy unnecessary luxury - it will be enough. In order to successfully raise a child alone, make at least small savings for the first time, and after the birth of the baby you will receive assistance from the state. Do not strive to buy fashionable branded things - they emphasize the status of the mother, but are absolutely useless for the child. Ask relatives and acquaintances if anyone has a crib, stroller, children's clothes, diapers, etc. Along the way, browse forums where mothers sell their children's things. There you can buy completely new things at a nice price, because often children outgrow clothes and shoes without even having time to wear them. The most common psychological problems of a woman faced with the fact of raising her child alone can be formulated as follows: 1. Lack of self-confidence. "Can I do it? Can I cope alone? What if no one helps, and what will I do then?" You can. You will cope. Of course, it will be difficult, but these difficulties are temporary. The baby will grow up and it will become easier. 2. A feeling of inferiority. "An incomplete family is terrible. Other children have dads, but mine does not. He will not receive a male upbringing and will grow up inferior." Nowadays, you can't surprise anyone with an incomplete family. Of course, every child needs a dad. But if there is no father in the family, this does not mean at all that your baby will grow up inferior. Everything depends on the upbringing that the child receives, as well as on the care and love directed at him. And whether it comes from a mother who has decided to give birth and raise a child without a husband, alone, or from both parents - it doesn't really matter. 3. Fear of loneliness. "Nobody will marry me with a child. I will remain alone, unwanted." A woman who has a child simply cannot be unwanted. Her baby needs her very much. After all, he has no one closer and dearer than his mother. And it would be a big mistake to think that a child is a burden for a single mother. A man who wants to join your family and loves your child as his own may appear at the most unexpected moment. All these fears are mostly far-fetched and stem from self-doubt. But if things are really bad, then it would be a good idea for the expectant mother to see a psychologist. In practice, all these fears are forgotten without a trace as soon as a woman plunges into postpartum worries.raise a child aloneTo raise a child alone is not easy, but feasiblePhoto: Getty

How to cope with the mother who decided to raise a child alone

The baby seems so tiny and fragile,that you are afraid to touch him? Ask the visiting nurse to show you how to bathe and wash the baby, change his diaper, do gymnastics, and breastfeed correctly. And let her check if you are doing everything correctly. And in just a few days, you will confidently pick up the baby and do all the necessary manipulations and exercises. Need to go for a walk with the baby? At first, you can calmly walk on the balcony. And if you have a loggia, you can take the stroller out there and put the baby to sleep during the day right in it. Just make sure that the stroller with the baby is in a place protected from drafts. Do not put off a visit to the kindergarten for a long time. To ensure that your baby goes to kindergarten at the time you need, sign up for the queue as early as possible. Some mothers do this even during pregnancy. But the main thing is - you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have zero hours and zero minutes of personal time. A sweet little angel, sleeping sweetly among beautiful lace swaddling clothes, and a cheerful happy mother in a clean apartment, cheerfully preparing a four-course meal - this is fantastic. But you will definitely get used to it, get into the rhythm, and then these difficulties will seem like something small and insignificant compared to the happiness you feel when looking at the dearest person in the whole world. As you can see, raising a child alone is quite possible. You just need to always remember that you are not alone, but a loving and caring mother of a wonderful child, who, no matter what, will raise a wonderful person out of him.

