A photo: Getty Images Variables are subject to the same infections as everyone else. This pregnancy is not affected in any way. Another thing is that with respect to treatment in pregnant women, there are restrictions on a number of medications. It is desirable for future moms to use drugs that are not absorbed, that is, they can not penetrate the placenta and affect the fetal condition (sorbents - activated carbon, smect, enterosgel, from antibacterial - preparations of local action, for example, stoppier, erysefuril). In diarrhea, it is necessary to replenish the fluid supply, as it leads to dehydration of the body. Here, sweet tea, non-carbonated mineral water, salt solutions (such as a rehydrone) will help. Drink often, but in small portions, so as not to provoke vomiting. When pregnancy is possible, stratification of symptoms of intestinal infection on the symptoms of early or late toxicosis, which leads to more pronounced clinical manifestations. However, severe consequences are observed, as a rule, only with infectious diseases rare for our country, such as typhoid and amoebiasis.
Photo:Getty Images A pregnant woman needs to be much more attentive to her health. And, of course, maintain hygiene. Everyone knows the rules, they are simple: - Wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, after returning from the street. By the way, Dr. Komarovsky talked about how to wash your hands correctly in our . - Try not to swallow water while swimming in open water. - Use boiled, bottled or purified water for drinking. - Do not store food at room temperature. - Try not to allow food to reheat. - Rinse vegetables and fruits well under running water.