What questions do preschool children have?

Questions baby come in the most incrediblemoments when it is difficult to concentrate and give a decent answer, without getting into lengthy explanations. It’s not always the pussy asking questions to get an answer to them.how to answer child's questionsBefore answering child's questions, you need toget to the heart of the matterPhoto: Getty Sometimes a kid comes to his mother, cleaning an apartment, from boredom. Immediately begins a series of questions, each of the following "clings" to the previous one: "What are you doing?" - "My floors" - "Why do you wash the floors?" - "To keep it clean" - "Why to make it clean?", Etc. In the end, the mother breaks into a cry and drives the baby away. The kid perfectly saw what his mother does and most likely understands why it is needed. But he was bored, and he came to communicate. If there is no end to the questions, and the anger boils, try to defuse the situation. To the baby’s question, give a paradoxical answer: “I read a poem.” Most likely, the baby will be indignant with such an obvious "deception" and shout: "No, you wash your floors." Then you can laugh at the joke.

How to answer the difficult question

Sometimes difficulties with the answer arise becauseYou do not understand the subject matter. The baby is not yet able to formulate the question in the form that interests him. He may ask where the fairy tale character lives, for example, Firebird. When mom barely explains to him the location of the far kingdom, the child will stop her and say: “Everything is wrong, she lives in a nest.” To understand what the baby wants to know, you need to be more attentive to him. Get children's encyclopedia, suitable for age. There are answers to some burning topics. However, encyclopedias are also an adult's view. To understand your child, you have to go back to your own childhood and look at the world with different eyes. There is almost a win-win option - ask a counter question. “Daddy, what is this tree?” - “What do you think?” - “This is a forest tree. It is big. ”-“ You see, what a fine fellow you are, he himself thought and guessed. ” Counter questions perform several functions:

  • allow you to "decode" the question;
  • motivate the child to think;
  • give the baby a “taste of victory”.

By asking such questions, parents will learn better.understand the baby and lay in him, besides curiosity, the ability to reason. Often the questions of the kid are connected with the desire to communicate. Answering a question with a question, parents stimulate the cognitive abilities of the toddler.

