Especially it's scary when the first time. Such a number of "but suddenly" in your life probably never happened. And after all, not a single positive "suddenly"! Imagination draws a lot of fears, and the hand reaches out to the phone itself. And God forbid the child does not take the phone immediately. An infarct is provided.Irina MaslovaI remember my summer camp: first kiss, night swimming, conflicts. If my mother found out about this, she would be upset. But I learned to solve problems, to live in a team, to be independent. That's what you need to understand by letting go of the child. It's normal to worry, it's a natural parental instinct. But if the anxiety becomes obtrusive, you need to figure out what exactly you are afraid of.Fear 1. He is too small to leave the main criterion that your son or daughter is ready - their own desire. The optimal age for the first trip is 8-9 years. Is the toddler sociable and easy to contact? Problems with socialization, most likely, will not arise. But for closed or domestic children this experience can become unpleasant. To a larger world, they should be accustomed gradually. Fear 2. He will get bored at home. The fewer children, the harder it is to be away from loved ones. If there is no experience of rest separately from parents (for example, to spend a summer at the grandmother), most likely, they will experience separation seriously. But in the change of the situation there are pluses. It is an opportunity to make important discoveries in the world and in oneself, to gain experience that helps to develop. Does the kid ask to take him from the camp? Find out the reason. Perhaps he missed you, then visit him more often. But if the problem is more serious, it is better not to wait until the end of the shift. Fear 3. He can not do without me. It is important that the child can serve himself (wash, dress, tidy up the bed, collect a backpack), not afraid to seek help. Do not minimize his ability. Having freed themselves from parental control, children open their potential, find new hobbies and loyal friends. I still maintain contact with two girls from the detachment, and more than 15 years have passed. Fear 4. It will fall under bad influence It is useless to forbid a teenager to communicate with someone. The only way out is to talk. Sincerely, as with an equal, forgetting about the command tone. Tell us about the possible consequences of unwanted actions and learn to trust each other.Photo: iStock/Gettyimages.ruFear 5.He won't get along with other childrenThis can really happen, and you won't have any way to influence the situation. But resolving a conflict is also a valuable experience in growing up: understanding the rules of life in society, learning to defend your opinion, protect what is dear to you, and becoming more confident. If the child does not have the opportunity to discuss the problem with someone from their family, they can try to imagine what mom or dad would advise them in such a situation.Fear 6. What if there is an accident?No one is immune from this, but you can prepare for different situations. Explain how to behave in case of injury, fire, in water, in the forest. Speak calmly, do not instill fear. It is important that if necessary, the child does not panic, but remembers your instructions and does everything correctly. And, of course, when choosing a camp, make sure it is reliable and the staff is well qualified.

