Mid-October, frost is just around the corner.And here and there the first snow has already fallen. Mothers in friendly rows go shopping to look for a winter suit for the child. After all, it is necessary that the child is not cold, not wet, not overheated ... In general, to be of high quality. And how not to be mistaken? The specialists of the organization "Roskachestvo" went to women's forums, found out which brands of children's winter suits are most popular among mothers (30 in total), tested them in conditions close to extreme. And based on the results, they made their recommendations on the choice of really high-quality children's clothes. A detailed report on which brands' suits turned out to be stronger than others, as well as other detailed characteristics can be found. Well, we will tell you about the main mistakes that mothers make when they go shopping for children, and what you really need to pay attention to.How to choose a quality winter suit for a childPhoto: GettyImages

1. Choose non-staining colors

Baby clothes should be bright. This is an axiom. Dull, muted and subtle colors are best left for later - for the office, for example. But moms are afraid that bright things will fade. In addition, bright things have to be washed more often. This means that the color will “slip” and we will still get clothes of unintelligible color. Roskachestvo specialists assure that they do not shed. All the costumes were tested for the stability of the coloring of children's costumes to sunlight, washing, sweat, distilled water and dry friction. Evaluated not only the fabric of the top, but also the lining. After all, it is important that she does not "float" and does not paint other things when washing or wearing a suit. All 30 turned out to be incredibly resistant. And only two suits were burned out in the sun: Batik and Luhta brands. BY THE WAY, if you are afraid that the bright colors are poisonous, in vain. Experts did not find any sample of toxic dyes.

2. We buy clothes for growth

Considering how much winter suits cost today,the thought seems logical. After all, if next season you manage to save on clothes, that's great! But here you need to focus rather not on the growth rate of the child, but on the degree of his activity. If your tomboy loves to run around the playground, slide downhill on the bottom, hang on horizontal bars and engage in other activities, the suit may easily not survive until next season. break. The remaining 11 had burst seams - side or step. There is another indicator of strength - the test for resistance to friction. A high-quality suit must withstand at least 4 thousand revolutions of the abrasive disc. If we shift this figure to trips from a slide 20 meters long, such a suit should be enough for at least a hundred times. 21 samples coped with this task. Suits of the other nine brands - Alex Junis, Salve, Kvartet, Boom! by orby, Kiko, AxArt, MaZiMa, Suzy Cutie and SkyTec - will wipe faster than others. The worst result was the suit from Boom! by orby. It is enough for only 33 rides from the hill. KSTATI Experts tested suits costing from 3 thousand to 12 thousand rubles. Five of them were classified as high quality goods. Their average price is 7,500 rubles. Champion brands: Arctland, Nikastyle and SHL (Russia), Premont and Gusti (China).How to choose a quality winter suit for a childPhoto: GettyImages

3. Do not pay attention to the strip

Recall, the strips are such a membrane, whichattached to the pants and fixed on the shoes, not allowing the leg to bully. In our childhood they were called "brakes". This is a real must-have for Egoza. Researchers have proven: the strips will not allow the trouser leg to lift up. So the baby will not freeze and not get wet, no matter what slides he would climb and whatever snowstorms he stormed. Only seven brands are sewn onto the trousers of his suits. Two more attended to loops or buttons for them. XSTATI If the shoes are quite high, the sticks at the same time and save from the snow. But not with one hundred percent guarantee. In order for the snow not to clog in the shoes, special protective details are needed - they were not found only on one suit, Luhta brand. Another important detail is the wristbands on the jacket. Thanks to them, the snow is not clogged in the sleeves, and the jacket keeps the heat better. Wristbands did not appear in the costumes of Huppa, CAIMANO, Saima, Kerry, Luhta, Lassie, Reimatec Kiddo.

4. Neglecting security

Trying to combine the requirements for price, quality,color and style, we sometimes forget about security. It's getting dark early now, in the winter twilight will come even earlier, and in some places it will be around the clock. Drivers to see the child on an unlit part of the road or yard will be difficult. Therefore, the reflective details on the suit - the must-have number one. Yes, more importantly than the strip. According to experts of Roskachestvo, most manufacturers of children's costumes are concerned about this issue. But seven of them ignored the light reflectors: AksArt, Fun Time, VuGGa, Alex Junis, Bilemi, SkyTec and Salve. BTW Pay attention to whether there is a plastron on the zipper. This is the thing that protects the baby's chin from the clasp. Most of the producers presence plastron attended. There is no protection only on three suits - Saima, Boom! by orby and Luhta.How to choose a quality winter suit for a childPhoto: GettyImages

5. We are looking for "breathable" model.

First of all, the winter suit should not bebreathable, and warm. The fabric for the top in such suits comes a priori with special film coatings that do not conduct air and protect from the wind. But the fabric of the lining should be breathable. It is necessary that the air circulates under the jacket and pants so that the child does not have overheating. BY THE WAY, if the model is breathable, it will be very attractive for moisture. And who cares if the child is immediately wet? Therefore, it turned out quite predictably that all “experimental” suits have almost one hundred percent waterproof performance. Worse, the Kiko suit coped with the task. And in the rest - well in a snowdrift. TAKE CARE ATTENTIONFive samples of 30 "caught" in violations. Costume manufacturers under the brands CAIMANO, AksArt and Fun time have distorted information about the materials from which the clothes are made. In the CAIMANO and Fun time suits, specialists found a substitution of the declared natural materials for artificial and synthetic ones. And the manufacturer of the brand “AksArt” surprised experts with “reverse substitution” - the label assures the consumer about one hundred percent polyester, while in fact the composition of the lining of the product is 35 percent cotton. Such a discrepancy may indicate the absence of input control at the enterprise. Yet in two samples, under the trademarks Bilemi and KiKo, the label did not contain complete information about the manufacturer. Read on:

