How to get in shapeCome to the form after giving birth will help permanenttraining and proper nutrition Photo: Getty Physical exertion to a young mother is not allowed earlier than in 1-2 months. Depending on the course of labor and possible complications, the doctor can increase or shorten the period of abstention from sports. To mothers who have passed through cesarean section, intensive physical activities are resolved after six months. Gymnastics and aerobics without stress on the abdominal muscles can be practiced after 1.5 months after the operation, but only in the absence of contraindications.

We come in shape after the birth: the basic rules

You need to start with sparing and simple exercises. Do not overload your body, otherwise it will negatively affect the production of breast milk and health. For classes per day, take at least 15-20 minutes, and then you will notice improvements. Another nuance of recovery after childbirth is the use of large amounts of water. Drink clean water constantly, but in small portions. In a day you need to drink up to 3 liters of water, not counting other beverages and liquids. All methods for restoring the form must be used simultaneously. This will help to achieve more visible results. Skin care, proper nutrition, training separately will not work. How to quickly get in shape after the birth of the baby? Do not expect lightning results. If you worked on your body and eat right during pregnancy, you can get rid of excess weight in a short time. An integrated approach includes:

  • physical exercise;
  • proper nutrition;
  • observance of the water regime;
  • facial and body skin care.

Under physical stresses are meanttraining at least 3 times a week, but not more often 4. During classes all muscle groups should work. Raising the hull, swinging legs, a bar, squats, running are the best exercises for giving birth to women. The intensity of the loads you regulate yourself, focusing on your own health. For each of the exercises you need to spend at least 5 minutes, doing 2-3 approaches. Diet for a lactating and non-nursing mother consists of:

  • Low-fat meat - chicken, rabbit, lean beef;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits in the absence of allergies in the child;
  • compotes and tea without added sugar;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • oils - cream, sunflower, olive;
  • croup.

Dishes are prepared without adding fat, cooked,stewed or baked. The use of smoked products, sausages, confectionery and baking, semi-finished products should be minimized. In a day there should be at least 5 meals, the last of which - no later than 19.00. Fractional food will help the stomach get used to the minimum amount of food. To care for the skin of the face and body it is recommended to use natural masks, creams that will not cause allergy in the child. A daily massage with olive oil will help tighten sagging skin, making stretch marks less noticeable. Baths with the addition of sea salt, soda, milk or essential oils will relieve tension, help to relax. From cellulite, you can use wraps with mustard, honey, clay or warming ointments. Now you know how to quickly get in shape after giving birth. Working on yourself is not an easy process, requiring willpower and a great desire to return the body to its former forms. But everything is not as difficult as it seems. A little patience, perseverance - and you will achieve the desired. Read further:

