Is it possible to bathe a newborn in a large bath

Newborn babies feel comfortable in water because it resembles the environment in the womb. When they are born, they already know how to swim, and this skill is retained for several to bathe a child with a circle around his neckHow to bathe a child with a neck ring if there is noneexperiencePhoto: Getty By refusing to bathe a baby in a large bath, adults miss the chance to strengthen the child's muscles and spine from the very beginning of his life. Another disadvantage - later the child may begin to be afraid of water. Here are the basic rules of bathing:

  • Bathing with a circle around the neck is safe, but only when the baby starts to hold his head himself.
  • Many inflatable devices are sold withrecommendation «0+», but you shouldn't rely on marketers whose goal is to sell a product. The optimal period is from one month of age.
  • If the circle is selected by age, the procedure will be useful: swimming strengthens the back, develops immunity, normalizes the intrathoracic and intracranial pressure, develops physically.

If the conditions are met and there are no medical contraindications to bathing, you can instill in your child a love for water procedures.

How to bathe a month-old baby for the first time with a circle

Follow these recommendations and bathing will be a pleasure:

  • Well clean the bath and wash off the detergents.
  • Bubble and wash with baby soap.
  • Draw water to a level that does not exceed the growth of your crumbs.
  • Strictly monitor the temperature of the liquid - it should be comfortable, 36-37°C.
  • Do not be nervous, the child will feel it and get scared. Speak in a calm voice, you can turn on a quiet, laid-back music.
  • Take the baby in his arms so that the second person can put a circle around his neck and fix the fasteners.
  • Check that the circle is sitting tightly, but not pressed on the neck of the baby.
  • Slowly lower the child into the water, watching his reaction.
  • Bathing should not last longer than 7-10 minutes., as the child gets tired quickly. If everything went smoothly, increase the time of water procedures by 10-15 seconds each time. If you are attentive to your little one, bathing will bring him joy and benefit. Do not neglect the advice of pediatricians and use circles in the development of your child.

