How to raise your child healthy andhappy, what is a really joyful childhood, what to do to teach a child to be kind, sociable, purposeful, how to praise it properly and whether it is possible to punish, what games to play and what songs to sing - all of this and many other things will be told by simple and clear video lessons from Woman`s Day and the teacher-psychologist Elena Shuvarina. So, your child shows an interest in reading: on a walk and at home he constantly asks: "Mom, what is written here?". We already know what this means: it is time to learn to read. This is a very important moment in the life of every little man, and it is very important not to miss it. How to make the learning process of reading as captivating as possible for the child? And what should I do: teach the baby on my own or hope that it will be done in school, kindergarten, early school? "We, the parents, in most cases, take up this matter ourselves. We rely on our experience - as we were taught in school - and we transfer this model to our children. And we ourselves turn this process into real study: we plant for a desk, for textbooks, for a notebook. And here we are not up to the desire and needs of the child: there is the word "must", must learn to read ", - describes the habitual situation Elena Shuvarina, teacher-psychologist, head of the Development Center for Children and Parents" House of Joy ". Perhaps you will agree: to find a place and an educator who can teach our children to read with pleasure and interest is not an easy task. However, many parents are sure that they will manage themselves: it is enough to recall how their mothers and dads taught to read them themselves. However, most of us are not teachers, we do not have the necessary knowledge and skills. And most importantly, we forget about the most important thing: that a pre-school child best "absorbs" information while playing. "Therefore, play, and do not require, control, demands for immediate results. Enjoy the process, because reading for a child should be a new, interesting game. And then you will see that your child himself will begin to show interest in what is written first on major advertising signs, and then in books, "advises Elena Shuvarina. Try to follow the advice of an experienced specialist, and the moment will come when you will hear: "Mom, I learned to read! It's so easy and interesting! "

Learning to read by ... cubes

Elena Shuvarina recommends the methodology for trainingwarehouse reading Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev: “Learning from it, children never face overload, with weakening of vision and posture. They learn to read, move and play at the same time. " Nikolai Zaitsev's technique has been used for a long time: for more than 20 years, parents and teachers have been using it to teach children to read with pleasure. Moreover, the very concept of "warehouse reading", or reading in warehouses, has been known since the 19th century. This is how the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy taught children to read at his famous school in Yasnaya Polyana. And the children started reading much faster and easier. How did Nikolai Zaitsev come to a similar technique? Solving the problem, familiar to many, “he knows letters, but cannot read,” the teacher concluded: to start teaching a child to read should not be from individual letters, but from warehouses. “A warehouse is both a single letter and a combination of letters. Another merit of Nikolai Zaitsev is the creation of playbooks for teaching children to read, ”says Elena Shuvarina. Zaitsev's cubes, on the edges of which are written warehouses, warehouse tables, cards - all this helps the child to quickly get used to the world of reading. How to work with them? Elena Shuvarina advises to read these warehouses, and it is better to sing with the child, like a song: “Warehouse song is a scientifically grounded rhythmic formula. Cubes differ in color, size, sound, and this division is made specifically for better recognition and memorization of warehouses. After all, several analyzers are involved: visual, auditory, tactile, motor. Countless reading games can be made with cubes. You can sort them by color, you can find certain warehouses on the edges and, of course, make up words, phrases and sentences from them. ”This is how warehouse reading classes are held at the House of Joy Development Center for Children and Parents. Together with Elena Shuvarina, we will see how Lyudmila Golodyaeva, also an experienced teacher and a great master of her craft, is working with the kids. It turns out that you can simultaneously learn warehouses and ... have fun jumping! With the help of Nikolai Zaitsev's cards, you can firmly memorize what the words "hare" and "fox" look like, and then recognize them without pictures. And how fun it is to sing the warehouses written on the edges of the cubes! “For more than 10 years we have been using Nikolai Zaitsev's methodology to teach children to read. Over the years, based on his methodology, we have created our own game technology for teaching reading. With her help, with ease and pleasure, children learn to read, - Elena Shuvarina smiles. “One has only to turn learning into a game!” More good advice from Elena Shuvarina on the website of the Development Center for Children and Parents.

