Why is morning exercise so important for girls and boys

Movement - the natural element of the child. But already at schoolchildren the mental loadings increase, and the physical decreases. After sitting in school in the classroom, having moved a little at the gym class, the child comes home and sits down at the computer. The lack of movement deprives him of muscular joy, absolutely necessary for children to complete life. And children of 10 years are about to wait for puberty - a jump in physical and hormonal development. That is why physical education at this age is necessary, as air. gymnastics for children 10 yearsGymnastics for children 10 years old is necessary forimprove the physical and emotional state. Photo: Getty Even simple gymnastics in the morning stimulates metabolic processes, improves mood, increases endurance, levels emotional background. In exercises you need to include exercises for all muscle groups:

  • neck, shoulder girdle;
  • infants;
  • back;
  • torso;
  • arms, legs.

A set of restorative exercises are easy to find inthe internet. They must be performed with the maximum amplitude, which gives a sufficient load, saturates the organs with oxygen. Include gymnastics exercises for coordination, flexibility, various kinds of stretching. Water procedures, rubdowns will strengthen the action of gymnastics, prepare for a full-fledged working day at school. This is especially the case for overweight children who have a daily routine, exercise and healthy food to help normalize weight and keep fit.

Gymnastics pose for children 10 years

Adolescence is associated with serioushormonal and physical restructuring of the child’s body. Teenagers are clumsy, they have impaired coordination of movements due to the rapid growth of the skeleton. They hardly get used to their new image. Their metabolism is changing, their facial features are increasing and it is not easy for everyone to survive. In addition, during puberty, some children experience growing pains, they are emotionally tense and unstable. Exercise smooth out the manifestations of this period. They help to more easily adapt to the environment, increase self-esteem. Morning gymnastics, visiting suitable sports sections do a very good job of growing pains, lagging muscle mass, relieve emotional stress.

How to choose a section for beginners

What to consider when choosing a sport:

  • For boys, both team sports - soccer, hockey, and individual ones - tennis, gymnastics, skiing, skating, running are suitable. With great enthusiasm, they are engaged in various types of martial arts.
  • Girls love dancing, gymnastics, fitness. But you should not share sports, because they both love team sports, athletics, martial arts.

Let the child attend several classes and decide on the section. Whatever sport a child chooses, he will make the right choice!

