What is best for a child: rhythmic gymnastics or morning exercises

Gymnastics is a hard sport that hinders the normal development of the child's organism, requires constant employment from the child, often leads to injuries of a different nature.gymnastics for children 7 yearsExercises with elements of gymnastics for children 7years are very usefulPhoto: Getty Physical injuries are not the only drawback of gymnastics. A small athlete experiences a great psychological burden, which he simply can not cope with. The child is afraid to disappoint the parents, the coach and the team, often this leads to psychological trauma, school performance is taking second place. To achieve these goals, the gymnast should devote himself to training, for which years you will have to follow a special diet. This leads to the development of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases. However, sports have their positive aspects. Working in a team and a clear schedule teach the child to communicate. And physical activity allows you to avoid many health problems. It is useful to visit various wellness sections where collective games with elements of gymnastics are held. It is not necessary to practice sports professionally, it is quite simple to charge in the mornings, exercise in the school. This will help develop flexibility, proper posture, a sense of rhythm and improve coordination of movements, which in the future will come in handy for the child.

Complex exercises with elements of gymnastics

Sports activities with children 7 years must pass under rhythmic music. For younger schoolchildren a special selection is developed:

  • exercises on the floor: twine, bridge;
  • choreographic elements and movements for balancing;
  • somersaults, turns of the trunk, movements on orientation in space.

To make the workouts not too boring,It is useful to use various sports equipment, for example, balls, a hoop, a skipping rope or tapes. Such activities should be conducted even in the home in the form of a game. The main thing is that they become regular. Duration of one lesson is about 30 min. To bring up a healthy and developed child, it is not necessary to exhaust him with long trainings and professional gymnastics. Evaluate all the pros and cons of this sport, only then take a weighted decision.

