What is the average growth of a five-month-old child according to the norms
The growth of a 5-month-old baby is about60-67 cm. The height of boys fluctuates between 61.1 and 67 cm, and that of girls - from 60.8 to 66 cm. With each month, the baby's growth slows down a little. Usually by the 5th month, the baby grows by 13-15 cm.The height of a child at 5 months is 60 - 67seePhoto: Getty Every baby is an individual, and they all grow differently. Some children grow quickly, while others grow slowly. In some periods, the growth rate increases, in others - decreases. After all, adults are also different - slender, curvy, tall, short. Children also grow differently. And if one baby has grown less than another in a month - this is not a reason to worry.
What should be the normal development of children in 5 months
By this age, the baby not only grows significantly, but also acquires many new skills:
- He perfectly learned to turn over from the tummy to the back, and back.
- Lying on his stomach, he can raise his head high, leaning on the palms of his straightened hands.
- Kid loves to consider not only close objects, but also those that are far away. At the same time, he focuses his eyes well and can turn his head, watching the object of observation.
- He is already pacing and babbling.
- Enjoys playing peek-a-boo.
- She smiles and laughs, expressing her positive emotions.
- Well distinguishes close and unfamiliar people.
- You can grab things, throw them, hold them, shake them, taste them, touch them, pull to yourself everything that interests them.
- He pulls himself up by the crossbar, trying to sit up.
Don't be upset if any ofyour baby is not yet able to do all of the above. Most likely, he will gradually learn everything. But if something worries you, show your baby to a neurologist. In addition, the hearing of a five-month-old baby is improving, so he reacts well to sound. He can turn his head in the direction of the sound, he can flinch from an unexpected sound. Now it is very useful to talk to him: name objects, comment on your actions, sing songs and nursery rhymes, read poems. If the child had strabismus before this time, it should go away now. Some babies get their first teeth at this age. Therefore, they often become restless, they drool profusely. They try to scratch their swollen gums, so they put everything in their mouth. The growth rate gives only an approximate assessment of the development of an infant. The baby's growth depends on many factors. It is influenced by individual characteristics: genetic predisposition, past illnesses, congenital pathologies.