What affects the growth of the child

The development and growth of the child is influenced by many factors. Therefore, be sure to take into account the individual characteristics, nationality, heredity and lifestyle of a preschooler.The growth of the child in 4 yearsA child's height at 4 years old is measured to the nearest millimeter. Photo: Getty There are 2 subgroups of factors that affect growth:

  • Genetic. In this case, you should consider the limit and growth rate of the baby. For example, if the parents are low, then the child will be low. But under favorable conditions, he can grow above his parents. To do this, you need to organize proper nutrition, play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and the family should have a favorable emotional atmosphere.
  • External factors. Negative effects on the development of a child are affected by negative effects during the period of prenatal life and negative intervention in the process of delivery. Lagging in development can be associated with poor nutrition, complex and intense relationships with parents, in the family.

These are the main indicators on which the normal development of the baby depends.

Norms for boys

In medicine, there is a formula by whichcalculate the average height of the child. For children from 1 year to 4 years, it looks like this: 100 - 8 * (4 - B), where "B" is the number of full years. The result is an increase in cm. For children over 4 years old, the following formula is used: 100 + 6 * (B-4). For example, if a boy is 4 years old, it means that his average height will be 100 cm. Parents should closely monitor the child’s development, if his height is much higher or lower than average, then this is a reason to contact an endocrinologist and pass the necessary tests.

WHO table data for girls

Modern medicine has developed a special table that contains indicators of the growth of children depending on age. In accordance with the centile table, growth in 4 years can be:

  • 102, 7 cm, which is average height;
  • 107 cm - above average;
  • 98.4 - below average.

All these indicators are normal forgirls at this age. If the child is lower than 94, 1 cm or higher than 111, 3 cm, then it is necessary to take appropriate measures: consult with specialists, undergo an examination or a course of treatment. Keep track of your children's health and stay healthy.

