They say that young people are not serious these days.It may be so, but today's young people take their feelings very seriously. Nikita Presnyakov, for example, in his tender 25 years was going to get married. And he backed up his words with deeds: he asked for the hand of his girlfriend, Alena Krasnova. Moreover, he made an offer, as they say, to the public: the words "Be my wife" were heard at a party in honor of the girl's 20th anniversary on March 8. Publication from Nikita Presnyakov (@npresnyakov) March 11 2017 at 5:11 PST He posted a video of the romantic moment online. So that all the fans of the young couple were moved and applauded. Alena seemed to agree. Why not? Young people have been dating for almost three years, and they met 12 years ago, when they were still quite children. And grandfather, Vladimir Presnyakov, the elder, is an excellent example of when an early marriage is beneficial. He himself got married at the age of 19.Photo: / AlenaaKrasnova However, this offer was hardly a surprise for the girl. She quite frankly communicates with her subscribers, answering questions. Already told that they with Nikita want children. And they even come up with names. “My favorite female names are Stefania, Eve, Vivienne (Vivian, Ivi), Mia. And men like Makar, Savely, Linar, Christopher and Adam, ”said the girl on the social network. She told Alena about her relationship with celebrity relatives. About Alla Pugacheva, for example, said she was “cool.” And Natasha Podolskaya is “wonderful.” It seems that it remains only to wish happiness to the young couple. What the fans are already doing on their pages on social networks.

