When in the 90s my kindergarten was closed underthe hotel and all the children were dismissed home with my grandmother. She also raised two of my cousins ​​from the cradle. My husband as a child was also often left to my grandmother. She then, by the way, was over seventy. The current generation of grandmothers will give grandsons expensive presents and clothes. This is not a wooden rattle with knitted socks. Here, if a toy, then the functions are not worse than some gadget, and it will cost no less. Gifts for grandchildren from modern grandmothers have money. What they don't have is time.Modern grandmothers don't want to sit with their grandchildren.Photo:GettyImages And they can be understood - with the current pensions you can’t take a break. Even if you are ready to partially compensate for their earnings, this money is unlikely to be comparable to their salary, otherwise you would have hired a nanny long ago. And they are no longer ready to give up their usual expenses. Not so long ago I had to withdraw from the decree. The son was one and a half years old. And if someone does not know, decent benefits are paid only up to eighteen months of children, and then up to three years - 50 rubles a month. And no, this is not a typo. Living on one husband's salary, paying a mortgage, is not a good prospect. A few months before the decree was released, the question arose: look for a nanny or send to a private kindergarten (we will have to wait at least another year for a state one). The mother-in-law categorically declared: "What kind of nanny, I will sit with my grandson!" She lives alone in another city, works without an employment contract, so she did not plan to wait for a pension. So, my grandmother moved to us, and I went to work with peace of mind. My husband and I tried not to abuse her services too much. Coming home from work, they took their son to another room, leaving grandmother alone with books and TV. And the child needs a rest - we understood that. The refrigerator was regularly replenished so as not to bother a person with trips to the store. For everyday life, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a robot vacuum cleaner can help ... With difficulty and only from the stories of my grandmother, I can imagine how children used to be raised without all these devices. When there were no diapers, when they washed them on their hands. It would seem that modern technologies have done everything so that people do not waste energy on everyday life. But that was not enough. "I'm leaving," the mother-in-law announced suddenly three weeks after her arrival. - It's hard after all. It's one thing to sit with a child at thirty, another thing when you are over fifty. She gave me a week to settle things with work, and left. The news that I, having worked only a month, again go on parental leave, who Some of my friends took it with surprise, while others, on the contrary, were not at all surprised. “My mother immediately said to me:“ And don't hope, I won't sit with your children, ”the friend admitted. Well, our grandmother at least tried. “My parents are in a hurry too: when, he says, you please your grandson,” says an old friend. - But I know for sure that they will not babysit the child. My father is fishing, my mother is a yoga teacher, she constantly goes to some master classes.Modern grandmothers don't want to sit with their grandchildren.Photo: GettyImages I remembered my neighbor. For a nominal fee, she works as a nanny. And the grandmother of the child lives in the same house, but she refused to sit with the baby. And every day, parents, passing by the door of their loved one, lead the boy to a strange aunt ... - It works, probably? - I ask the neighbor. - No, she is retired. Just does not want ... And here I suddenly began to understand our mothers. Still, we have children are not for grandmothers. They have already grown their own and now they want to go on that very yoga, sign up for painting lessons, dance, maybe go on a trip. Are we entitled to deprive them of such pleasures? Our leisure grandmothers had books and knitting. In the new time there will be entertainment for any age. In forty years, life is just beginning, they assured me in the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” and nowadays fifty is the new forty. I bow to those who are ready to devote their best years to their grandchildren, but I shouldn’t reproach my mother-in-law, I have no right. After all, this is her life. By the way, she always looked with admiration at old ladies-tourists from Europe. How much energy in them! I doubt very much that in their free time from traveling, they are busy with their grandchildren - it is painfully fresh and rested in their appearance. Therefore, if you want your mothers to be young and full of energy as long as possible, let them bring up their grandchildren via Skype - a few minutes a day will be enough for them. You only count on yourself and do not create someone else's problem from your child. And who is sitting with your child?

  • I sit myself. We live on her husband's salary - and what to do.
  • Grandmother. She is beside herself with the delight that they have entrusted her beloved grandson to her.
  • Hired a nanny. We have no grandmothers, and the kindergarten is not soon.
  • Given to a private garden. Fortunately, the salary allows.

Voted: 213A who is sitting with your child?

  • I sit myself. We live on her husband's salary - and what to do. 61.5%
  • Grandmother. She is beside herself with the delight that she was entrusted with her beloved grandson.16,4%
  • Hired a nanny. We have no grandmothers, and the kindergarten is not soon. 9.9%
  • Given to a private garden. Fortunately, the salary allows.12.2%

Voted: 213

