Are DTP and hepatitis vaccinations done together?

In the first months of life, the child undergoes a large number of vaccinations. Some of them are carried out simultaneously, including DTP and hepatitis.ace hepatitisDTP and hepatitis are safe for children.Photo: Getty A vaccine against hepatitis, directed against a disease that affects the liver and biliary tract. The DTP vaccine provides prophylaxis for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, only the pertussis component causes complications and severe adverse reactions during vaccination. For a few days before the vaccination, do not introduce new foods into the baby's diet. The combination of DTP and hepatitis vaccinations is safe. The number of adverse reactions does not increase. Dosage is fully matched for the body of children whose immunity is still imperfect. Compliance with vaccination conditions reduces adverse reactions to a minimum. Before vaccination, the pediatrician must examine the child. If there are symptoms of ARI, as well as during the recovery period, vaccination is not done. The doctor also warns if the child has seizures and if the nervous system is affected. If there are allergic reactions in the parents and relatives, they conduct a separate examination and establish a personal vaccination schedule with a more sparing vaccine.

The body's response to DTP and hepatitis

After vaccinations, the child has the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • restless behavior;
  • small swelling;
  • redness.

Adverse reactions in mild form indicatethat immunity is formed correctly. After 3-4 days, all symptoms will disappear. With allergies, antihistamines are prescribed, and if the temperature is raised to 38 ° C, it is antipyretic. If a severe allergic reaction has occurred, including hives and Quincke's edema, this indicates a complication. When the temperature rises above 39-40 C, the appearance of swelling more than 7-9 cm, severe pain, consult a doctor. However, according to WHO statistics, the complication occurs in one case of 100,000. The diseases against which vaccination is performed are much more dangerous than the post-vaccination reaction. Therefore, after the child is examined by a doctor, do not be afraid to do two inoculations simultaneously. Further:

