Intestinal problems can be felt at any time. In the first trimester, constipation is caused by the action of progesterone, and later the growing uterus presses against the intestines.glycerin candles during pregnancyGlycerin candles during pregnancy are sold insealed packagePhoto: GettyPregnant is allowed to use far from all medicines. It is necessary that the medication does not affect the fetus. Glycerin candles are just such a tool. They have the following effect on the body:

  • Soften fecal masses;
  • Relax the intestinal muscles;
  • Strengthen his motility.

The main active component of suppositories is glycerin. It gently irritates the walls of the colon, causing the urge to defecate.

How to use glycerin candles during pregnancy?

The instructions during pregnancy will be the same asand for all other people. They are used rectally, that is, inserted into the anus. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the intestinal mucosa. The suppository dissolves quite quickly. How quickly it begins to act depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but on average this time is from 15 minutes to half an hour. The maximum dosage for one use is two suppositories. There are also contraindications. During pregnancy, glycerin suppositories cannot be used:

  • With hemorrhoidal nodes in the acute stage;
  • In the presence of anal fissure;
  • With tumors in the rectum;
  • When intolerance to glycerol.

Although it is a harmless remedy,It should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Regular use of candles is also not recommended, as this can be addictive, and constipation will become chronic. It is necessary to resort to them if the intestine has not been emptied for 48 hours. Sometimes when using a slight burning sensation can be felt. Prevention of constipation during pregnancy should be given special attention. To avoid such a problem, you need to drink plenty of clean drinking water, eat foods rich in fiber - raw vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread. The lingering effects have beets, plums, prunes. It is necessary to limit the use of white bread and white rice, muffins, strong meat broth. Strictly follow the instructions, using glycerin candles during pregnancy, and they will not harm you or the baby.

