The rules of the game "spoiled phone"
You will need at least five people to playparticipants. But the larger the company, the more interesting the process itself. In addition, if there are many participants, then team competitions can be held. As for the age of the players, it is desirable that the kids are 4-5 years old.The game Broken Telephone is a great wayspend time with friends. Photo: Getty You can play "telephone" anywhere. The main thing is that the room allows for comfortable seating of the participants. How to play:
The result is very different from what I had planned.driver. And instead of "Mom washed the frame", it turns out "Masha ate porridge". This amuses the kids a lot. In addition, children often deliberately distort the words they hear, so the result is unpredictable. After the first round, the last player becomes the driver, and the rest of the participants move back in a chain one place.
What is the use of the game for children
First of all, this game is a great wayhave a good time. But "spoiled telephone" also has useful purposes, because thanks to this fun, kids learn to pronounce words clearly and quickly perceive what they hear. In addition, the entertainment unites them among themselves and teaches the spirit of camaraderie. If desired, you can complicate the task and ask the kids to transmit a story consisting of 2-4 sentences on the "spoiled telephone" or arrange team competitions. If you do not know how to entertain the kids at the party, then invite them to play "spoiled telephone". This interesting game will appeal to children and adults will be happy to join them. In any case, laughter and fun are guaranteed.