How to care for fingerlings of swordsmen
At one time, a female swordtail can give birth to 50 to200 fry. The exact number depends on the age and individual characteristics of the fish. During the first spawning, it will bring no more than 50 fry, during the next - 50-70 fry, etc. The fry are born already fully adapted to life. Immediately after birth, they should be moved to a separate container so that adult swordtails do not harm them. If this is not possible, densely plant the bottom of the aquarium with small algae. In their thickets, the fry will be able to hide from adult fish.The fry of the sword-bearers grow into beautiful fish Photo: Getty The main requirement for growing fry is high-quality water. Toddlers are very sensitive to any abnormalities. Weekly need to replace at least 25% of water. Water should also be cleaned with filters and saturated with oxygen. An interesting feature is that fry can form their sex, depending on the temperature of the water. If the water is cool - females are formed, if warm - males. To achieve a neutral number of males and females, keep the water temperature within 22-26 °. When the fish become older, if necessary, they will be able to maintain their sex, regardless of the temperature of the water.
Than to feed swarms of swordsmen
The following products are suitable for feeding newly hatched fry:
- nauplia artemia;
- Cyclops naopliya;
- infusoria;
- micro-thread;
- nematode;
- rotifers;
After a month, when the fish grow up and get stronger,their diet can be supplemented with finely chopped tubifex worms, boiled egg yolks and special food. Give preference to high-quality food from trusted companies for live-bearing fish. The fry should be fed 2-3 times a day in small portions. All food should be ground to a powder. Please note that the richer the food is in protein, the faster the fish will grow. If you organize feeding correctly, then at the age of one month the fry will already be 5-6 cm in length. The photo shows which swordtail fry grows into a beautiful fish. Only at first glance it seems that caring for the fry is difficult. Over time, you will get the hang of it and will easily cope with this task. Read also about others