From whom does the sex of the baby depend?

There is a theory that is not backed by science, thatthe relationship of parents affects the sex of the future baby. For example, in those families in which a man dominates, a boy must be born. And vice versa, if the head is the mother, then she will necessarily have a girl. This is because nature "restores" the balance. And it helps the female or male principle, which is oppressed by the spouse.on which the sex of the child dependsThere are many incredible theories fromwhich depends on the sex of the child. Photo: Getty But if the theory is correct, it is unclear how in families there are different-sex children. And here the adherents of this belief find a way out, they say, over time, there is a redistribution of roles, and the woman begins to depend on her husband. Therefore, they first have a boy, and then a girl, and vice versa.

How does the sex depend on the man?

As is known, spermatozoa contain 2 specieschromosomes: X - female and Y - male. And in the 60 years of the last century, a study was conducted according to which the "tadpoles" responsible for the birth of boys are more mobile, but they live no longer than 48 hours. Spermatozoa "girls" are slower, but they can exist in the mother's body for up to 5 days. Therefore, if the parents want a boy, they need to have sexual intercourse for the day, during and after ovulation. Those who dream of a girl, have sex for 4-5 days before the release of the egg. Thanks to this scientific approach, it is theoretically possible to predict the sex of the child. But it will work if the man does not have problems with the reproductive function of sperm.

Influence of toxicosis and other folk signs

According to folk tales, learn about the future fielda baby can be as a woman. It is believed that girls "take away" the beauty of their mother, and she changes a lot during pregnancy. On the other hand, those who have a boy will get more beautiful every day. In addition, it is believed that a strong toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is caused by a future son. The girl is much easier to adapt to the body of the mother and does not cause any discomfort. It is impossible to predict and determine the future sex of the child for today. After all, even ultrasound studies sometimes make mistakes, and instead of a long-awaited boy a girl appears in the light. Therefore, you should not guess so as not to be disappointed in the future.

