Why a child in a bad night sleeps at night
Long laying down, lulling, waking up in the middle of the night - this is how a child's rest at night looks like for some parents. You can change the situation if you understand what is bothering the baby.Knowing why a one-year-old child sleeps poorly at night can help eliminate the cause of his or her anxiety. Photo: Getty Reasons for a child waking up suddenly:
- bad state of health - temperature, colic, teething, reaction to vaccination;
- fears - the absence of a number of parents, darkness, extraneous noise can cause a panic attack in the child;
- overwork or overexcitation - excessive activity and excitement in the evening can cause intermittent, shallow sleep;
- uncomfortable conditions in the room - high temperature, stuffiness;
- hunger;
- vitamin D deficiency.
Weather-sensitive and excitable children sleep poorly. Any achievement, strong positive and negative emotions can affect the quality of rest.
What to do if a child does not sleep well at night
If the baby is healthy, he won't have teething problems.teeth, then it is easy to normalize rest. The room where the baby sleeps should always be ventilated, the room temperature should be 18-21 degrees, the air should not be very dry. How to avoid night awakenings:
- Correctly to feed - problems often arise at the termination of night feeding. To avoid whims, you need to increase the daily portions of food, nourishing the baby nourishing for 30-40 minutes before bedtime.
- Avoid overwork - control the time of games, watching cartoons.
- To invent a ritual before going to bed, which you must do every day - rocking, poachtat.
- Calm down - in the water for evening bathing, you can add a few drops of essential oil balm, mint, broth chamomile.
- Prevent colic - give the baby a medicine before bedtime so that he can sleep peacefully all night.
- Replenish vitamin D deficiency - optionalgive drops, enough time to be outdoors in sunny time. The advisability of taking the drug should be consulted with the pediatrician, pre-render the appropriate tests.
There is no need to dress your baby warmly before going to bed,wrap up carefully - children do not have very good thermoregulation, if he is hot, he will not be able to sleep peacefully. The child should get enough sleep during the day and night - the amount of time for sleep can be found in the tables created by pediatricians. If the child is constantly capricious, falls asleep - he often gets sick, becomes whiny and irritable. Every mother can eliminate the causes of night awakenings and whims. Read on: