Why does a child spit up a mixture

In the first six months of life the stomach of the child is not yet up toend is developed. That is why most often babies and regurgitate the mixture after feeding. A kid can regurgitate if he has overeaten or is nervous. In this case, there are no special concerns. You just need to start feeding and create a favorable environment for the child.why does the child belch the mixtureWhy does the child regurgitate the mixture and is it worth worrying about this? Photo: Getty And in these situations, regurgitation is not natural and should cause concern:

  • The child spits a fountain.
  • Regurgitation begins an hour or more after feeding.
  • This process is too frequent, after eating it repeats every 5-10 minutes.
  • During regurgitation, the baby behaves restlessly, crying.
  • The child has problems with a stool - constipation or diarrhea.
  • He loses or does not gain weight.

In case of such symptoms, contact a childthe doctor. You can consult a pediatrician, but better go to the gastroenterologist right away. It is he who deals with problems with digestion and the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do if the child constantly burps the mixture

If the regurgitation is not caused by problems withyou can not completely get rid of them. With age, regurgitation will stop by itself. But to minimize them is possible. The following tips will help you:

  • After feeding, hold the baby in a "post".
  • Slightly reduce the number of servings. How many grams of the mixture should be given to the baby, your pediatrician will tell.
  • Feed the baby strictly in time.
  • Swaddle the baby before going to bed to reduce its activity. Do not forget that you can not swaddle your feet.
  • Before going to bed, let the baby suck a pacifier for a short time. This stimulates digestion, food will be digested, not "spit" out.

Another simple but effective way todigestion of the child - to lead an active lifestyle. Walk more often with him, try not to use a stroller, but sling, bathe a child, visit children's swimming and children's gymnastics. If regurgitation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss or problems with stools, do not delay a visit to the doctor. Carefully follow the advice of the gastroenterologist and then the amount of regurgitation will be significantly reduced. Read also:

