Why the baby spits up breast milk
Одной из основных причин срыгивания является overfeeding. If there is a lot of milk, the baby swallows greedily, but does not feel full, and the small stomach quickly fills up. The excess food pours back out. The same effect occurs when feeding from a bottle with too large a hole.So that the child does not regurgitate breast milk,It is necessary to properly organize the process of feedingPhoto: Getty Regurgitation occurs when the child swallows air when he sucks the breast. If he improperly seizes the nipple and starts smacking his lips, along with the milk, air enters the stomach, which forces food back out. It is necessary to watch how the baby is put to a breast. If he doesn’t fully grab the nipple, he should be straightened. The baby can burp if turned over, shake, or squeeze immediately after feeding. Regurgitation in newborns can cause intestinal upset. It happens with constipation or colic, when food cannot pass freely. Serious causes are also infections, diseases of the digestive system, central nervous system, and various pathologies. Frequent regurgitation is a reason to consult a doctor and be examined.
What to do to stop a baby from spitting up breast milk
First of all, consider the mass thatthe baby burped. If it is curdled milk or a mixture similar to cottage cheese, and its amount is approximately equal to a teaspoon, there is no need to worry. You can cope with the problem yourself by doing the following:
- Watch the feeding technique so that air does not get into the stomach with food. If the baby cries, first calm him down, otherwise he will swallow air with his mouth.
- Do not overfeed. Adhere to the diet, determine the appropriate rate.
- Hold the baby while eating, slightly raising the head, and when he was full, wear it in a column. In an upright position, air escapes from the stomach, and food is better absorbed.
- Before feeding, place the baby on the tummy.
If the baby is gaining weight normally, is active, andhis intestines are working normally, then there is no reason to worry. But frequent and abundant regurgitation of milk after eating, if the child behaves nervously, cries, you need to contact a pediatrician. Simple preventive measures and a proper diet will reduce the frequency of regurgitation in a child. Very soon the little organism will get stronger, the stomach will begin to work normally, and by the age of one this problem will disappear. Also interesting: