Why does a child have tantrums?

Tantrums should not be confused with whims.Children resort to whims deliberately in order to get what they want. Children's whims are often accompanied by whining, stamping their feet and screaming. Hysteria is a strong involuntary emotional reaction. As a rule, it occurs as a result of an insult or overwork. At the same time, hysteria intensifies if too much attention is paid to the child. If adults pretend that they do not notice anything, the child quickly calms down.hysterical childA child's severe tantrum is accompanied by screaming and rolling on the floor Photo: Getty During a tantrum, the child performs characteristic actions:

  • screams loudly;
  • stamps feet;
  • rolls on the floor;
  • scratching face;
  • banging his head on the floor or walls;
  • arched arc.

There is no need to be afraid of these actions, although suchthe picture looks terrifying. Most often, such a spectacle is arranged by children from two to three years old. Older children can already express their emotions in words and it is easier for them to cope with insults or misunderstandings.

How to avoid hysteria in a child

The baby must learn to manage his emotions, and parents are obliged to help him with this. Useful tips:

  • Switch the child’s attention at the first sign of a hysterical approach. If the kid is pressing his lips, whimpering and sniffing suspiciously, give him attention.
  • Put the children on time. Small children do not understand what fatigue is, and adults should keep an eye on it.
  • Make sure the baby has enough free time to play. At this time, no one should distract him.
  • Give children the right to choose.
  • Ask your child to do something and praise him.
  • Hug children more often. Tactile contact with babies is necessary.
  • If the child has already started having a tantrum, don'tleave him alone. In no case should you shout or hit the baby. But you can't give in to your child, you need to be strict and categorical. Tantrums are considered normal in small children. But if a child is hysterical after 4 years, and at the same time he starts vomiting or loses consciousness, you need to urgently consult a doctor. You need to sound the alarm when children harm themselves or suffer from nightmares at night. In other cases, it is enough to be patient and make the child understand that hysterics will not achieve anything. It is also useful to know:

