Dance training

You can start at any age. Parents who think about the intellectual and physical development of their children give them to classes from an early age, even before entering school.folk dances for childrenFolk dances for children carry culture andTraditions of the country Photo: Getty At first the guys are given a very light load. These are exercises that improve their physical shape and prepare for full-fledged dance numbers. Then it increases, children learn elements of dance, help each other, rehearse and very soon become ready for public performances at school or kindergarten activities. It is very pleasant to move to the beat of rhythmic music in bright costumes, performing perfected, beautiful movements. Individually, they may seem simple, but when they are woven into a dance composition, the picture looks quite intricate, dynamic and interesting.

Russian folk dances for children: how many years

If the child when choosing a dance schoolit is to the people, it is necessary to agree with him. It is bright, fun, perky. Children always with pleasure and joy attend such classes. They are the same for girls and boys. Each of them gets its benefit: babes acquire grace, lightness, beautiful figure and correct posture. The guys acquire strength and dexterity - they need it to perform jumps and other complex elements of folk dance. Plus it is useful for wellness and health promotion, namely:

  • Improves cardiovascular and lung function.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • Prevention of excess weight.
  • The muscles and joints are trained, the child becomes active and resilient.
  • Emotional rise, good mood, stress resistance.

Children get to know folklore and culture.native country that forms their horizons, spiritual perception, increases education. Develops the creative potential of the child and logical thinking. He has the opportunity to show himself, his talent, while interacting with like-minded friends.

