Courting for a fish cockerel

These are small fish.Males reach 5 cm in length, females – 4 cm. Their main decoration is elongated fins that flutter in the water. The colors can be very diverse, they are, as a rule, very bright and flashy. Interestingly, before a fight, the coloring becomes even brighter due to the strong excitement that the fish experiences. But when they see females, males decorate themselves differently. They straighten their fins and stick out their gill cockerelBetta fish - a beautiful aquarium fighterPhoto: GettyThe main advantage of this type of fish is that they can be kept in the smallest aquariums. One fish needs 3-5 liters of water. Therefore, in pet stores you can find special aquariums for cockerels. In terms of care, they are also not particularly demanding:

  • No need for a filter and water aerator.
  • It is desirable to keep the water temperature within 24-28 degrees, as it is a tropical fish. However, lowering the temperature to 18 degrees of the cockerel will be transferred without problems.
  • Acidity and water hardness do not play a special role.

If you are new and you find it hard to keep track ofthe right parameters of water, for you. The fodder comes up frozen, dry and lively, although the latter, of course, is most preferable. Motyls, zooplankton and tubulars are the favorite treats of this species of fish. The amount of food should be such that it was eaten in 15 minutes. It is unacceptable to overfeed males. Once a week, arrange a fasting day.

Compatibility of fish cockerel with other fish

Choosing neighbors for cockerels is very difficult.Small and passive fish will be regarded as food. Veiltail fish will be terrorized. They are very attracted to the tails of such fish. Bettas will chase them all over the aquarium until they gnaw on their long and bright tails. Large predators are also not an option, because your pets will become food for them. Males do not get along with each other. If you put two males in a small aquarium, the strong one will certainly kill the weak one. Active fish similar in size to bettas are suitable as neighbors. Examples of such neighbors are swordtail, speckled catfish, oturisoma, tetra and some others. In order for the betta to please the eye and not harm anyone, it is better to keep it in a separate small aquarium, fortunately, it tolerates living in modest-sized containers well. This beautiful fish with a harmful character is incredibly easy to care for. Read more:

