What give finger games for children at home or in kindergarten
Finger game - staging a poem withwith the help of hands. They help develop speech and fine motor skills. Toddlers up to two years old can play such games with one hand, and those who are older - with two hands.Finger games for kids can be played togetherwith mom or dad Photo: Getty Finger games give children food for thought from the first years of life. They learn not just to mindlessly repeat a memorized poem, but to analyze it, to accompany each line with a certain action. When a child independently performs such actions, he develops more successfully and harmoniously. One of the adults takes part in such games - mom, grandfather, etc. This brings the child closer to the family.
How to instill love for finger games from an early age
For this kind of entertainment to be useful, the baby must like it. Here are some recommendations that will help your child love finger games:
- Before the start of the game, as briefly as possible, explain the rules to the baby. He must understand how to play, but he should not be tormented by his long and detailed instructions, so that he does not lose interest.
- Play along with the child. Do it with enthusiasm, with interest, immerse yourself in the game completely. If you do this through the sleeves, then the crumbs will quickly get bored.
- Do not immediately try to learn all the games on this topic. Learn one or two games a day.
- Praise your child for every successful time. If he makes mistakes, gets confused in words or actions, close your eyes to it. And the more so do not scold for this crumb.
The main rule:Don't force your child to play. If he doesn't like the game, just try another one or put it off for a while, maybe the child is just not in the mood. Remember that the game should be fun for both of you.
An example of a finger game for the little ones
There are many such games.There are more complex ones, there are less, so you can choose options for different ages. Rhymes for games can touch on a variety of topics. Here is one of the very simple options, broken down by lines and actions:
Before you start learning the movements,you need to learn the words. Of course, you need to know them too to play with your child. Finger games are a simple way to entertain a small child if there are no toys at hand. With this game, you can occupy your little one in a queue or on public transport so that he doesn’t get bored.