What to do during the New Year holidays? To travel, of course. So the Klein family from Pennsylvania decided - well, why not? Eric, Karen and their 10-year-old son Isaac went to Las Vegas on his car. On the way, we decided to wrap ourselves in the Grand Canyon National Park for an excursion. And they regretted it. The main highway stopped - it was snowing, a strong wind was blowing. Klein decided to go on a detour. They asked Google for advice and drove off. But "Google" let them down. The bypass was too dangerous. The road began to be covered with snow. Klein decided to return from sin away. They began to unfold, and the car settled into the snowdrift. Cellular communication in this area was not. It was necessary to call for help and follow her on foot. It would be logical to send for help a man. But Eric recently got into an accident and has not quite recovered from injuries. Karen, an experienced marathon runner, had more chances to get to the goal. Since the highway was closed, there was no point in going back. Therefore, Karen decided to go to the entrance to the national park. Before him was almost 23 kilometers.Photo: NBC Newsshe received training in wildlife survival. Marathon skills, again. And she was dressed like warmly - a parka, a knitted hat, hiking boots. But walking on loose snow almost a meter deep was too difficult. And without a compass and a navigator, Karen lost her way as the snowstorm intensified. Like Karen later, she tried to take a break, sitting under a giant tree. To warm herself a little, she wrapped her arms around herself and swayed from side to side; if Karen stopped moving, an eerie drowsiness rolled over her immediately. It was impossible to fall asleep, despite the terrible fatigue. In the end, Karen was so weak that she could not take more than ten steps without stopping. There was nothing to strengthen her strength with - she only had a small bag of oatmeal with her. When they were over, Karen gnawed twigs and washed them down with water from the melted snow. And then she fell, falling into a snowdrift, pulled a muscle in her thigh and lost her boot. In addition, the exhausted woman began to hallucinate, and Karen was saved when she stumbled upon a forest hut. She broke the window, climbed inside and fell asleep - completely exhausted. By that time, Karen had been walking for 30 hours, covering almost 42 kilometers. Rescuers found her six hours later. “It’s a real Christmas miracle that she survived,” said search team leader Jim Driscoll. `` This story could easily end very badly. '' As Karen struggled through the night and the blizzard, Eric and Isaac slept in the car. In the morning, Eric realized that something had happened to his wife. It was impossible to wait any longer. He got out of the car and began to climb the mountain in the hope that there he will be able to pick up the signal and call the rescue service. And he did it. They were taken to the hospital, examined and released - everything was all right with them. And Karen had to stay there. The woman froze several fingers and was severely emaciated. According to Karen, her maternal instinct helped her escape. “I could not leave my son without a mother. I won't let my parents have to bury me, "Karen said. The brave woman hopes that her story can inspire people to be strong no matter what." they have more strength than they think, be it mental or physical strength, - said Karen. - Remember this and never lose hope.

