Alyona. Was born on September 1, 2011 at the 29th week of pregnancy. Weight at birth - 1360 kg, height - 36 cm Photo: E1.RU The project is timed to the fifth anniversary of the city perinatal center of Yekaterinburg. Toddlers who immediately after birth get here, unites one thing - they were all born before the term. And very often - with an extremely low body weight. Here babies of newborns that were born before the time with weight significantly less than the norm: 2000 grams, 1500 and even 500 grams. E1.RU found children who were born much earlier than the due date and survived thanks to Yekaterinburg doctors, and their photos taken in the first days of life. The result was the photo project "Extreme weight", to which the photographer of the portal Ilya Davydov was inspired by the work of the Canadian Red Méthot.
Vanya. Born on April 3, 2013, at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight – 0.980 kg, height – 35 cm Photo: E1.RU
Valeria.She was born on June 29, 2012, at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight – 0.610 kg, height – 31 cm Photo: E1.RUOn November 6, the E1.RU photo project will open the conference “Perinatal Yekaterinburg: Results and Prospects”, which will bring together pediatricians from all over Russia and other countries. Photos of the saved children will be donated to the perinatal center, doctors and nurses who save premature babies every day. Five years ago, extremely low birth weight newborns were doomed. And now these boys and girls are 3-4 years old. Look at what they were born like and what they have become. Behind each picture is a story of fear and hope, words of endless gratitude to the doctors who fought for their lives for several weeks and even months. All photos and videos about how the project was filmed are on the E1.RU website.