Why read in summer

Many parents believe that reading to a child in the summer is unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful. In their opinion, a child should rest during the summer. But a few minutes of daily reading will only bring benefits.extracurricular reading grade 3Extracurricular reading in the 3rd grade is especially useful,because at this age, a child grasps information on the fly.Photo: Getty Summer reading has obvious benefits, and in third grade it also helps develop intelligence and some skills:

  • Reading in the summer, the child will learn better throughout the year. If within three months a child reads several minutes each day, then he will learn to better absorb the information.
  • The development of the imagination. Thanks to the books, the child imagines the situation himself, thinks over the characters and presents the plot. As a result, the imagination develops. Creativity is also developing.
  • Development horizons. A schoolboy who devotes several minutes to reading in the summer becomes more erudite and developed. This contributes to the formation of their own point of view and the correct life guidelines.
  • The development of memory. After reading the works, it is worth asking a son or daughter what they were about, and what they understood from this. Also, if in the summer you learn at least a few poems, then the information from them will be learned faster.

A small amount of time that a child spends with a book in his hands will make him more developed and help him study more successfully.

Read speed requirements

Every year some requirements do not change, while others do.

  • Reading speed should increase. If in the second grade the student must read 65 words per minute, then in the third grade their number should be 85.
  • There should be no error in the setting of the stress.
  • Diction should be clear, words should be pronounced clearly, the end not swallowed.

Try checking your child's reading speed at home, if it is not up to standard, pay more attention to reading.


Each school has a different list, but there are certain books that are required reading:

  • "White Poodle" by Kuprin;
  • "White Bim, Black Ear" by Troepolsky;
  • "Mumu" by Turgenev;
  • "Horse Surname" and "Kashtanka" by Chekhov
  • "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carolla;
  • "Uncle Fyodor, the Cat and the Dog" by Uspensky;
  • "Timur and his team" Gaidar;
  • "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Twain
  • "The Magician's Hat" by T. Jansson

If a child wants to read more, then this is worth it.encourage. He can read a few stories or learn poems by heart, which will contribute to his development. Of course, you can let your child rest in the summer. But reading does not take much time and is very useful. Thanks to this, the child will study more successfully, develop his horizons, and improve his memory. Children who read in the summer do better in various subjects during the school year than their peers.

