Formation of personality and worldview in the child

To teach the baby knowledge about the environmentworld, parents make efforts. Curiosity is inherent from birth, but if adults are not interested in satisfying it, it quickly disappears. The acquisition of knowledge depends on the child's activity and on how the learning process is organized.Expanding the horizons of childrenExpansion of the horizon in children occurs intime of playPhoto: GettyThe formation of the individual takes into account the inner direction. If the baby is mobile, more attention is paid to sports activities. For a thoughtful and quiet kid offering drawing, music or other creative activity. No less important is spiritual education, when respect for human values ​​is laid in the child's soul. In childhood, the foundation of a worldview is being created, which determines the relationship with the outside world. His part is the ability to work, communicate with peers and adults, behavior in the family. Preschool children are taught how to maintain their health, to behave in society, what to do in emergency circumstances.

Formation of a complete picture of the world in a child

In preschool age it is important to develop children'scuriosity. Teach to find information and think, achieve goals in the course of independent activity, implement the acquired knowledge in practice. The picture of the world is a set of those values ​​that are in each person. They are laid in early childhood during training and education. The following methods are effective for organizing the cognitive process:

  • experiment;
  • modeling;
  • joint creativity.

An effective method of gaining new knowledge anddevelopment of abilities are various games. Game exercises help to develop certain practical skills and abilities, train attentiveness, dexterity, ingenuity and other natural qualities. Worldview can be formed at any age, but it is better if this happens in childhood. Then it is a pure stream that extracts from the surrounding world what feeds it, affirms and strengthens it, unites disparate parts of reality into a single whole.

