"I do not understand ... A sinusitis, or what ..." mutterstherapist, examining my five-year-old niece. Leah coughs, a cold, red eyes - looks like a banal ARVI. But the usual treatment does not help. Leah is sent to X-ray, tests. No, it's not a genyantritis. "" She has measles! "Runs an elderly nurse. On the face of the doctor - sincere amazement. For a long time already no one has come across a measles alive. Not everyone can recognize it "in person". After all, with the beginning of universal vaccination, this disease turned into a scary legend. And here it is - firsthand.Photo: GettyImagesThere needs to be clarified: my brother's family refused vaccinations. They are against vaccines, vegan and raw food. "If everyone is vaccinated, where does the disease come from?" We will not get vaccinated. From them, terrible diseases develop later. " False lips in Leah, they tried to cure starvation, by the way. It did not help. The viewers of this point of view on any "Mamma" forum are full. "I have not vaccinated my children for 14 years and never regretted it!" - writes one of these "refuseniks." "Yes for health, kill your children as much as you like," the vaccination supporters respond. Ivan Pankratov, a doctor and a popular blogger:
- The crusade against vaccinations is a completemisunderstanding of the idea of collective immunity, immunological memory, the speed of immune response in vaccinated and unvaccinated. Misunderstanding that you are still alive because there are still plenty of protected people around - that's why they are propagating the cult of anti-vaccination. Although, if they understood what the essence is, they should all agitate "for": after all, the more around the vaccinated, the more chances they do not get sick. What is the collective immunity? This is a phenomenon when an infection can not spread in society, if the majority are immune to it. The grafted people are like a wall that protects those who can not be vaccinated: pregnant, small children, people with impaired immunity due to serious illnesses or having other serious contraindications. Everyone who refused to vaccinate pulls a brick out of this wall and hides behind the rest of the rest. Collective immunity works perfectly if about 95% of the population is vaccinated. If vaccinated will be at least 5% less, the epidemic will loom before us.
Parents are facing a dilemma: get sick from infection or from vaccination. And if the disease is something ephemeral, like the Tunguska meteorite, which was a long time in the taiga, then the vaccine - here it is, in the syringe of a nurse, is quite real. And some people choose the disease, because it is like a dinosaur for a blonde: either meeting or not meeting. Many argue that vaccinations are useless: they say that the vaccinated people are also sick. And this is true - yes, they are ill. But there is one "but". Even so - "BUT".
It's all about the speed of the immune response andimmunological memory. For example, the flu. Due to antigenic drift (mutations in the genotype) and antigenic shift, it is impossible to completely guess with the vaccine. However, the statistics of 2009-2016 in the Russian Federation indicate that only unvaccinated patients died. For example, in season 2015/16 - more than 530 people and only unvaccinated. That is, vaccinated (not all) can also get sick, but their immune response will not allow the disease to develop into a fatal complication. And there is another statistic. Our expert cited data: in 1993 in the territory of our country the services of sanitary epidemiological surveillance conducted a survey: they took more than 30 thousand water samples in different regions. And received 175 strains of the polio virus from people and objects of the external environment. It turns out that the virus does not go anywhere, it was and is everywhere! But in the same year, 1993, there were only two cases of polio in a million people.
It's amazing that there are parents who are ready to releaseHis child into the world without protection. After all, if he gets sick, it's not the fault that's wrong, the one who voluntarily refused this protection is to blame. That is, in fact, this is not rendering assistance. Leaving the child at risk.
Photo: facebook.comFor helpCare is a very contagious infectious disease. The first symptoms: general deterioration of health, loss of appetite, runny nose, cough, watery eyes. The temperature is up to 40.5 degrees. After a few days, white spots appear in the mouth, the rash on the face and body. It is dangerous not only in itself, but also with its complications: it undermines immunity, can develop measles pneumonia, otitis, encephalitis. For pregnant women is fraught with miscarriages. Because of measles, so many young children are still dying. In 2011, the world counted 158 thousand deaths from measles. Most of them are children under five. Will you vaccinate your children?
- I will, so I can protect my child from serious illnesses.
- Only at gunpoint! It is unwise to introduce microbes into a healthy organism.
- Selectively. I'm afraid of polio and diphtheria.
Voted: 130A will you vaccinate your children?
- I will, so I can protect my child from serious illnesses.67,7%
- Only at gunpoint! It is unreasonable to introduce microbes into a healthy organism. 17.7%
- Selectively. I'm afraid of poliomyelitis and diphtheria. 14.6%
Voted: 130