"The effect of the presence of a dog" - it turns out, issuch a therapeutic term. Tailed and barking pets are not only an amusing creature in a house with which you can play with whatever you want - you do not want to, but you have to walk, but also good for your health. This was found out by the scientists of the Basset Medical Center in New York, conducting a study "Dogs and children's health: the prevention of chronic diseases." For the year, scientists examined 643 children aged 6-7 years. Attention was paid not only to physical, but also to mental health. It turned out that in children who have dog houses, the level of anxiety is much lower than those who do not have animals at home.A photo: frame from the movie "Beethoven" Researchers stipulate: a direct link between the presence of the dog and the level of anxiety of the child, they have not yet found. But they are going to properly tackle this issue. Ann Gadomski, a researcher at the center, worked for 30 years in pediatrics. And she claims that she has often seen babies, whose first word was "dog". Yes, remember at least the daughter of Mark Zuckerberg Maxim - she also said not "mom", not "daddy", but "dog." Mark then explained that Maxim loves Bist, their Hungarian sheepdog very much. - When playing with a friendly dog, the child's cortisol, a stress hormone, decreases. Perhaps, due to increased production of oxytocin, a hormone of happiness. These hormonal effects, perhaps, are the basis for reducing anxiety in children, the researchers say.
Photo:still from the film "Beethoven"In addition, a dog in the house is also a preventative measure... for childhood obesity! - This issue is also still at the research stage, but imagine what potential for treatment there is! - say scientists. - We analyzed all the studies on the impact of pets on human health, and it turns out that having a dog has a very beneficial effect on mental and social health. This theory also has its opponents. For example, Professor Harold Herzog claims that there are studies that have demonstrated the negative impact of pets on human health. - There have not yet been large-scale studies that would demonstrate sufficiently convincing statistics, - he says. However, Amy Gadomski believes that research should be continued: - I don’t want everyone to rush to get dogs. But it is quite possible that the presence of an animal in the house really does have a very important effect on a child’s health. We must know for sure. Well, and we will add on our own: a dog is just nice. Unless, of course, you are a stubborn cat lover. As we know, cat lovers cannot be convinced. Even by the most eminent professor.