Famous designer and part-time fatherten children, Artemy Lebedev once said that the newborns do not hear anything. Therefore, talking to the baby in the womb, especially to include him some kind of music is meaningless. On the other hand, the fact that Artemy is a large father, does not yet make him an expert in everything that concerns the development of children. We decided to find out, but when, in fact, children begin to hear. Scientists say that children do hear a lot of sounds even before birth. First, it's a knock on the heart of the mother. Secondly, sounds, sorry, peristalsis. Third, the mother's voice and other sounds, if they are loud enough. After birth, the hearing continues to develop. Completely this method of perception is formed by the month of age. But the child can react to sounds later, too: one thing is to hear, another is to give feedback. This, too, must be learned, too. We have compiled for you a graph of hearing development in children since birth.Photo:GettyImagesNewbornsSoon after birth, the baby will begin to pay attention to different sounds. Especially to high-pitched sounds. The baby will try to respond to you when you sing lullabies. And loud or sharp sounds can scare.After a few weeks, the baby will begin to react to noise - he can turn to the sound of your voice, for example. And he will even try to respond - by gurgling, for example. But in some cases, children do not pay attention to the speaker or even turn away from him. This does not necessarily mean that the baby does not hear. Perhaps he just got bored.4 monthsAt this age, the child begins to show emotions in response to certain sounds, his reactions become meaningful. He can even please you with a smile when you talk to him. And when you chat with the baby, he can try to copy the sounds you make.6-7 monthsThe baby begins to show curiosity not only about your voice, but also about others. Now loud extraneous sounds no longer frighten the child - he tries to understand where they are coming from and react. 12 monthsBy this age, the child should already be able to recognize most of the sounds that he hears constantly. Including favorite songs.How to help a child develop hearing - Sing lullabies and nursery rhymes to your child every day. This will help the baby learn to focus on sounds. - Turn on music more often, dance and clap your hands to the rhythm. - Read to your child from birth. It is never too early to introduce a baby to the world of words. Reading aloud, among other things, will help the child to become addicted to reading. And this, you must agree, is a great hobby. And a good ritual before bed. - Sounds terrible, but still. Buy your child musical and talking toys. Not too many, not too loud - so as not to go crazy. - For an older child, you can buy a toy musical instrument. This will be a good training not only for your hearing, but also for your creativity.