- Congratulations on the coming birthday of Fedya. How will you celebrate?Denis Matrosov - Olya is already preparing a celebration for 30-40 people. As always, there will be our friends, neighbors, relatives. Olga Matrosova - Well, Denis probably will prepare something unusual.Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk - What successes and achievements does Fedor already have? Denis Matrosov - A week ago Fedya took the first steps. However, the moment when he went, I missed, because I was on tour.Olga Matrosova - Fedya not bad collects pyramids, dances to music. He is generally a musical guy! Fingers show when he wants something. Denis Matrosov- When a year ago we opened the "Antenna" ourrelations, they said that they were like each other like Olya, like a brother and sister. And now if we take our children's photos now, Fedya seems to be a copy of me, and Olya.Olga Matrosova "Surprisingly similar to both of us." By nature, our son is an ideal child, very comfortable. With such a baby, you can boldly give birth to three more. He will never cry without cause. Maybe the whole day with a smile to watch what is happening.

Papa is soft, and my mother is strict

- We met a year ago. Let's sum up the main results of this year, both happy and not so?Denis Matrosov - For me, the year was hard because of the tourgraphics of our entertaining performance "Two in the elevator, not counting tequila." I spent a lot of time in airplanes, trains, cars and buses. I first appeared as a theater producer (this performance) and at the same time an actor. Also in the enterprise my friends and colleagues Dmitry Orlov and Petr Krasilov are busy. Only in the last six months we played more than 70 performances. I do not know who else can boast of such a successful story. The production and really wonderful - a comedy that never deceives its viewers. If we promise laughter to tears, then it happens. By the way, we are engaged in creative producer work together with Olya. She manages all contracts and negotiations. And this despite the fact that she is a nursing mother and is with the child all the time. I admit, I really appreciate her help. It seems to me, for spouses it is extremely important to find as many points of contact as possible. - Denis, how do you manage to work so much when there is a small child in the family? What duties do you have? Denis Matrosov - Let's just clarify the question - when you have twosmall children and one teenager. With us, Olin's daughter Sasha, and I have two sons, and the five-year-old Vanya (from the actress Maria Kulikova - Antenna note), sometimes needs even more attention than the chest Fedya. With an ex-wife, we are equally involved in the education of Vanya. When he is at Masha's house during my departure, the first thing I do when I return is to call in my oldest son, and then we cross the threshold of our house together. Thank you to my ex-wife, for giving me such an opportunity. Fedya is still breastfeeding and has spent more time with his mother, but Papa can do much more with him, too - he feeds with kashka, changes diapers, and thumbs through books with him. Fedya does not recognize either a nipple or pacifiers, this is his position since birth. And with Vanya we have our own program. We not only play with him, but we also do lessons together, read, we do arithmetic. Vanya, everything has a point of view, sometimes quite tough. For example, if he does not want to go for a walk, then no one can convince him otherwise. I hope this perseverance will help him in his studies. But if I agree to leave him at home, then I go on a compromise, involving him to work around the house. I try to instill in him a love of engineering and construction. I think that for a boy this is very important. Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk - Are the sons of each other similar in character? How does Vanya treat his younger brother? Denis Matrosov - They are different. Vanka Shebutnaya, a meteor, can not sit on the spot. Now we are just working on diligence, getting ready for school. And Fedya is still absolutely mother's son, is on breastfeeding. He is a calm and smiling baby. Together they supplement each other and are already learning to play together. It's a pleasure to watch it.Olga Matrosova - Of course, sometimes Vanya is jealous of Fedya in relation to Fedya, but she is so touching that we are only touched. And basically he is our helper, even diapers helps to change. Denis Matrosov - When we brought the newborn Fedya frommaternity home, for Vanka it was a moment of happiness. He now has a brother! And he as the senior, will protect and protect him! I very much hope that in my sons I can lay the foundation for a real and strong friendship towards each other. Therefore, I try to distribute my love and care evenly between them. - Vanya did not say who he wants to become?Denis Matrosov - Good question. (She laughs). Yes, honestly, there was a period when he said that he wanted to become an actor. But after watching the movie "Crew" caught fire pilot-captain's profession and even wrote a big letter of gratitude to the creators of the film "Crew", so he was impressed by the movie. I want on occasion to transmit this letter to director Kol Lebedev. And this year Vanya gave me the best gift for his birthday - he won a prize in the swimming competitions. And after all, we only gave him to classes in the pool in October, he could not stay on the water and immediately went to the bottom with a hatchet. And now, two months later, on December 10, my son took third place in the competition on my birthday. Perhaps, he will become a professional sportsman. The boy is growing all right! - Do you have one system with Olya or are you arguing for some moments? Olga Matrosova - Still how we argue. I am more strict, exacting, and Denis sometimes is too kind. I am for discipline and compliance with the regime, for me it is important that sleep and dinner on schedule. And our father is creative, he thinks: he wanted to eat - eat, wanted to sleep - sleep. And here there are disputes. When I say that it's time for Van to sleep, Denis notices that it's okay, he'll lie down later ...Photo: personal archive of the Matrosov familyDenis Matrosov - I myself realize that sometimes I am too softfather. I try to bring up love and attention. Strict, of course, is also needed, but it is given to me more difficult. For example, I come with a long tour, and I want to spend more time with children, and not send them to sleep at nine in the evening. For them, my return is a holiday and fun, so I try not to deprive them and put the children back later.

