Fatherhood is a serious matter, but with every childit only gets harder. Russian celebrities figured out who performs his father's duties well, and who does poorly, at the fourth Pope of the Year award ceremony. Twice father singer Alexander Danko told Wday.ru that no one can define the notions of good and bad.Photo: @danko_star— A father is a father.Nature will decide everything itself. But, according to the showman, he is still a good dad: - I think that I am the best father, truly the dad of the year! I make all the dreams of my family come true. As soon as they say what they want, I immediately run and buy it. But I received the award a year ago, and the second time I was not nominated, unfortunately, - Danko shared his thoughts with a Wday.ru journalist. The singer's family life story is not simple: Danko's youngest daughter Agatha was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but, despite everything, Danko and his wife Natalia are raising the girl so that she feels the happiest and most loved.