one.Prepare for Learning For some reason, many parents think that readiness for school is determined by the ability to read, count, and write. In fact, teachers usually even ask especially active mothers NOT to teach their child to read and count before school, because the school has its own teaching method. But it is important to prepare your child for learning. So that the hand is ready to learn how to write letters, you can study with your child using educational aids - draw straight lines, draw shapes, paint, adhering to the outline, and so on. You can prepare for mathematics by developing logic, and not at all by solving complex examples. Physiologists recommend that the future first-grader often practice coloring-development and untangle labyrinths, trying not to drive on paper with a finger, but tracing the path with his eyes. It is also important to be able to generalize (separate all vegetables from all animals or select only objects with the letter "A" in the picture).Photo: Getty Images2.Teach to live, not read In school, the child is expected not only with numbers and letters, but the most important thing is communication with dozens of new people, both children and adults. Discuss what the child will do to make friends with their classmates (smile, share candy, discuss their enhancements ...), and how they will refer to the teacher (using "you" and by name and patronymic). Explain, also, that the teacher is not mom. She will not hug and feed, she will teach, this is her job. And she treats all the children in the class equally. It is important to teach the child, with any difficulty and feeling unhealthy, not to be shy about approaching the teacher. Check if the child knows how to dress himself, change the "shift", whether he can handle the laces on the sneakers, with zippers and fasteners on the uniform and briefcase. Remember that at school the child will cope on his own, do not complicate his life by buying a difficult-to-close portfolio and pencil case. Train your child to take time off from the lesson to the toilet saying “you can go out” without details. After all, this is exactly what is customary among students. 3. Introduce the teacher It's good if you can get it done early, before September 1st. Then the child will go to school without fear of the unknown. Teachers start working in mid or late August, try going to school, watching the class, walking down the hallways, talking to the teacher. 4. Stop Controlling Everything You, of course, want to spread straws, protect your child, accompany you to class, do all the lessons for the first grader, tie his shoelaces in the morning and shout after him: "Don't forget to eat!" But it's time to stop. The child is growing, he has HIS business. Let him be self-reliant. Help only when he himself definitely cannot cope. And do not dishonor your classmates by tying your shoelaces.Photo: Getty Images 5.Teach to resolve conflicts At school, the child will have the first "colleagues". These are not friends in kindergarten with whom you can eat sand and fight over a shoulder blade. Here everyone is already big, and everyone has their own character, and everyone believes that he is the best here ... Conflicts are inevitable. But do not rush to the first complaint to a child that he has been offended, rush to school shouting: "I will show them how to offend my masik!" Masiku needs to learn not to avoid conflict, but to solve it. Discuss, help with advice, say that you understand, and it was the same with you, but do not solve the issues for the child. 6. Let your child choose a briefcase and a pencil case A briefcase and a pencil case (well, even notebooks and all sorts of little things) - this is what the child should like. Buy these things together. You will look at the practicality and convenience, and the child will choose "his" knapsack. After all, he should walk with him. 7. Do not give directly to the section In the first year at school, the tension in the child is unthinkable. It seems to us that he is doing something stupid there - sticks and hooks ... And for a first-grader, the need to sit for several lessons in a row, to be silent, to concentrate, to work in a large team is hard work. Therefore, psychologists and teachers very much ask parents not to burden the child in the first grade with sections and classes. It is better to take a walk after school and before bedtime, it is better to play at home than to spend all your free time in art and music schools. One exception - sports sections are always welcome. After all, sport just helps to change activities and gives strength. 8. Do not frighten with school There are some funny parents who remember in front of a child how their teacher beat with a ruler, how they ran away from school, how classmates threw away their school bags and how terrible the school was ... Remember that your child takes every word you say as true. Mom and Dad didn’t like school, which means that it’s bad at school and I don’t want to go there. Better still tell positive stories from your school life. 9. Teach Books Are Friends A child who loves books will be more successful at school than a child who is used to tablets and televisions. A child who knows that books are interesting will learn with pleasure. Let the child have his own low shelf with books in the room, read aloud to the first grader (and don’t stop just because he already knows the letters himself), buy coloring books and educational programs with various interesting tasks, try to prepare reports for the school using encyclopedias with pictures. And always discuss what you read. So the child will understand that books are knowledge, entertainment, emotions and development. 10. Buy a uniform from natural fabrics And, as a rule, to make it last longer, it is sewn from practical fabric, in which synthetics are at least 30-40%. Practically, yes. But it's hard for a small child to sit all day in synthetics, to rush around in a hot acrylic jacket during breaks. If there are no options for the form, at least choose T-shirts, shirts, tights and vest-jackets from cotton.

