Freshwater shrimp content
To keep shrimp, you need to prepare a comfortable habitat for them, as close to natural conditions as possible. The minimum aquarium volume is 50 liters.Freshwater shrimps are distinguished by brightnessColor: Photo: Getty The water temperature can fluctuate between 20-27 ° C. Choose an acceptable value in the range of these digits and always maintain it. A sharp temperature jump of 6-7 ° C will result in the death of shrimp. If the temperature falls below the 16-17 ° C mark, shrimp will become slow and sluggish, stop multiplying and show activity. The acidity of water also plays a big role. The acidity index below 6.5 ° provokes the destruction of the shrimp shell. The compressor must be switched on continuously so that the water is saturated with oxygen. Water is changed every 6-7 days, about 45% of the total. Rocky ground regularly siphon. The filter pipe must be closed in the aquarium. Shrimp love to explore different cracks, and then they can not get out of them and die.
Types of freshwater shrimp
There are many types of shrimp. The most popular ones are:
- Snowflake. It is characterized by a snow-white coloration of the body and calves. Female are slightly larger than males and have a more intense color. It is deduced in Germany.
- Arpekin. It has a motley color from white, black and red stripes. It is best to live with a freshwater sponge, with which it feeds. In nature, it lives in Indonesia.
- Cardinal. Coloration can range from scarlet to pale pink. A characteristic feature is the white front legs. The habitat is the island of Sulawesi.
- Koltserukaya. The body has a brown-gray color, black and red rings are clearly visible on the claws. Lives in the waters of Bangladesh.
- Bee. Has a red body shade with black stripes. Strongly sensitive to water parameters. It was first discovered in Japan.
- Ninja. A distinctive feature is the ability to quickly change the color of the body depending on the habitat. In nature lives in the reservoirs of Asia.
- Amano. The color of the body depends on the food and can range from transparent to green or red. Small black dots are scattered throughout the body. In the natural environment, it lives in Japan.
This is just a small list of the mostcommon species. Freshwater shrimps get along well with many small fish in an aquarium, as they are not at all conflict-prone. But many fish pose a potential threat to them. Shrimp are not the pets that are suitable for beginners. Many species are very demanding to the conditions of detention, so it is better to breed them only for experienced aquarists. Read more: